Sunday, August 11, 2024

Celebrating a Decade of Peace: The 10th Anniversary of the September 18th HWPL World Peace Summit

This September 18th marks a significant milestone in the global peace movement—the 10th anniversary of the HWPL 918 World Peace Summit. This monumental event will be celebrated across 122 countries, including South Korea, bringing together leaders, citizens, and peace advocates from all corners of the globe.

Under the theme “Creating World Peace Community Through Regional Collaboration,” the anniversary celebration will reflect on the past decade of contributions to peace by world leaders and citizens alike. It’s more than just a ceremony—it’s a meaningful gathering aimed at transforming peace into a global culture.

The Origins of the September 18th HWPL World Peace Summit

In September 2014, HWPL hosted the World Peace Summit in Seoul, South Korea, marking a historic event as the largest peace conference ever organized by a civilian organization. Over 4,000 leaders from various sectors across 170 countries, along with approximately 200,000 citizens from around the world, participated in this monumental gathering. 

Chairman Man Hee Lee’s powerful message at the summit resonated deeply with participants. He questioned, “Countless young people have been sacrificed to wars, but for whose benefit? How long must this continue? Peace cannot be achieved through words alone. If peace had prevailed, those precious lives would not have been lost. Let’s leave a legacy of peace for future generations.” This call to action has inspired many and remains central to HWPL’s mission.

Two significant agreements were signed during the summit. The first was the “Agreement to Propose the Enactment of International Law for the Cessation of Wars and World Peace,” endorsed by 29 former heads of state, including ex-presidents and prime ministers. The second was the “Agreement to achieve the alliance of religions,” signed by representatives of 12 major religious denominations. These agreements set the foundation for HWPL’s ongoing efforts to promote global peace and harmony.

The following year, during the first anniversary of the 918 World Peace Summit in 2015, HWPL inaugurated the “HWPL International Law Peace Committee,” composed of 21 renowned international law experts from 17 countires. Under the leadership of Chairman Man Hee Lee, this committee held numerous meetings to draft the “Declaration of Peace and Cessation of War” (DPCW). The DPCW was officially proclaimed on March 14, 2016, at 3:14 PM at the COEX convention center in Seoul, Korea, serving as a global call to action for peace.

The 10th Anniversary Celebration: September 18th, 2024 

In South Korea, the event will be held in Seoul and 18 other major cities, with tens of thousands expected to participate. HWPL has announced that a variety of peace activities will take place nationwide, focusing on overcoming conflicts and fostering unity through peaceful means.

Internationally, representatives from countries like the United States, the United Kingdom, France, Germany, Japan, Australia, Ukraine, India, and the Philippines will join in the celebration. These global participants will engage in discussions and campaigns to establish unique peace development models tailored to their specific regional needs.

The upcoming 10th-anniversary event will not only review the achievements of HWPL’s peace initiatives over the past decade but also focus on solidifying plans for the future. A key objective is to strengthen regional networks to address local peace threats more swiftly and effectively. HWPL plans to harness collective efforts from diverse groups within each nation to achieve these goals.

A Decade of Achievements

Over the past ten years, HWPL has worked tirelessly with global partners to address various challenges. These include reducing military tensions, resolving economic conflicts, combating climate change, and mitigating cybersecurity threats. The organization has also been instrumental in establishing a foundation for peace governance, linking international organizations, governments, and civil societies.

This year’s celebration also underscores the importance of individual responsibility in peacebuilding. HWPL’s slogan, “Let’s All Become Messengers of Peace,” aims to inspire people worldwide to share their peace messages, uniting communities in the pursuit of harmony.

As we celebrate this decade of dedication to peace, let’s remember that every individual has a role in creating a peaceful future. The 10th anniversary of the 918 World Peace Summit is not just a reflection of past achievements but a call to action for the future—a future where peace is the legacy we leave behind for generations to come.

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