Monday, August 5, 2024

[HWPL Peace Education Textbook 12-3] I as a Messenger of Peace

[HWPL Peace Education Textbook 12 Completion of Peace Humanity Has Long-awaited]

[12-3] I as a Messenger of Peace

◆ Learning Objectives

1. Understand that courage is necessary to achieve peace.

2. Recognize that a love for peace is the driving force behind courage.

3. Realize that you are the main agent in achieving peace and commit to participating in peace efforts.

“Peace Begins with a Love for Peace. Let's Become a Messenger of Peace”

How Can Peace Be Achieved?

Peace begins with a love for peace. Those who love peace can lead peace efforts and courageously change the world. Such individuals can become messengers of peace.

1. Rachel Carson’s Environmental Movement

In the 1950s, the United States saw widespread use of pesticides to increase agricultural productivity. The government encouraged their use, and pesticides were sprayed in various places, even where children played and near rivers. Over time, flowers wilted along the sprayed paths, and dead fish and birds were found. Though voices emerged against the use of pesticides, these concerns were ignored because they were not scientifically proven. Newspapers refused to publish articles on the dangers of pesticides, considering them to cause unnecessary alarm.

Rachel Carson, a marine biologist who worked for the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, studied the severely polluted seas and dead birds, realizing that the ecosystem was in trouble. Despite numerous obstacles, Carson conducted extensive field research and published "Silent Spring" in 1962, exposing the dangers of pesticides.

“I thought the sky was big enough to accept human mistakes, the sea deep enough, and the soil would recover from our mistakes. It was a naïve thought. Chemicals like DDT are not just insecticides but exterminators.”

Before the book was published, chemical companies tried to discredit Carson. They accused her of being part of a communist conspiracy to destroy America’s food supply and threatened lawsuits. They also attacked her credibility, stating that she was not a professional scientist, and dismissed her as a hysterical, unmarried woman with a mystical belief in nature’s harmony.

However, Carson gained public trust with her confident demeanor, fostering a new public awareness about environmental issues. Her courageous stance led to the banning of DDT and other pesticides in the U.S. in 1970. It also contributed to the establishment of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and sparked a global environmental movement, culminating in the 1992 Earth Summit (UNCED).

Many imagine Carson as a warrior like Joan of Arc, but she was an ordinary person with a gentle demeanor. She enjoyed observing birds, strolling along the beach, playing with crabs, and spending time with her cat and young nephew. Like Carson, we too can become messengers of peace if we have a heart that loves and protects peace.

2. Courageous Efforts for Peace

Peace is not achieved by a miracle overnight. It is the result of prolonged efforts by numerous peace activists who have brought us closer to peace. However, they started as ordinary people, just like us. No one is born a peace activist.

3. Creating Peace Myself

Peace is neither far away nor impossible to achieve. Isn’t that true? We can create peace within our families, friends, schools, and communities. First, transform yourself peacefully and then spread peace to those around you. The key is to take action, no matter how small. Without action, nothing changes. Small actions accumulate to eventually realize world peace.

Let’s find out what we can do for peace and make a plan to practice even small actions consistently.

<Chapter 12 Conclusion: Completing the Long-Awaited Peace of Humanitye>

Peace is not achieved just by dreaming about it. Just as we wish for our families to live happily together, everyone on Earth desires peace. No one wants to die in a war. To achieve peace, we need the courageous commitment to say, "I will do it first," rather than being a bystander. The realization of a peaceful world depends on us. If everyone joins peace efforts with this mindset, peace can surely be achieved. Wherever we are and whatever we do, we are messengers of peace.

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