Sunday, April 14, 2024

Harmony in Diversity: Bridging Religions for Global Peace

The statistics showing that 70-80% of global conflicts and wars arise from religion highlight the importance of interfaith dialogue and understanding in achieving world peace. History has repeatedly shown us that when different religious beliefs clash, intense conflicts arise, making global peace seem unattainable. In the face of such circumstances, there are organizations working across borders, races, and religions to achieve world peace, one notable example being the global NGO for peace, Heavenly Culture World Peace Restoration of Light (HWPL, led by Chairman Lee Man-hee). The World Alliance of Religion’s Peace (WARP) Offices of HWPL facilitates deep conversations among participants by exploring the differences and commonalities between religions through scripture comparisons, fostering understanding of each other's beliefs.

"Ven. Myeong An, deliverying a speech at 7th commemoration of DPCW on March 14th, 2023" (Image from Cheonji Ilbo)

HWPL's peace efforts have left a profound impression on religious leaders. Ven. Myeong An, the General Secretary of the Jogye Order of Korean Buddhism, is one such individual who has embraced HWPL's peace activities. Having grown up hearing and learning about the aspirations for peace from Ven. Inwang, a pioneer for peace within Korean Buddhism, Ven. Myeong An was inspired to support HWPL's peace activities upon meeting Chairman Lee Man-hee, who reminded him of his mentor. Both Chairman Lee Man-hee and Ven. Inwang share common ground as veterans who fought during the Korean War, and they both fervently advocate for global peace and the reunification of the Korean peninsula. Among HWPL's various activities, Ven. Myeong An participated in the comparative scriptural discussion, engaging in 40 discussions alongside representatives from Islam and Christianity.

"Attendees listening to Ven. Myeong An speech" (Image from Cheonji Ilbo)

Reflecting on his initial skepticism about achieving peace among different religions, Ven. Myeong An admitted that participating in the comparative scriptural discussion made him realize the extent of misunderstandings and similarities among religions. He came to understand that, like Buddhism, other religions also advocate for love, compassion, and peace. Moreover, he expressed feeling a sense of familial connection with fellow panelists as they continued to engage in dialogues, solidifying his belief in the pivotal role of the dialogues in creating a peaceful world. He emphasized that the lack of communication among religions is a significant factor behind the conflicts and persecutions occurring worldwide, underscoring the importance of dialogue in fostering understanding and unity to pave the way for a peaceful world.

"World Religious Leaders Enter Incheon Asiad Main Stadium for the 4th Anniversary Commemoration of the 9.18 Peace Summit" (Image from Cheonji Ilbo)

Furthermore, Ven. Myeong An voiced his support for the Declaration of Peace and Cessation of War (DPCW), an international legal framework proposed by HWPL and international law experts to end wars and achieve peace. The DPCW includes provisions promoting religious freedom and fostering a culture of religious peace, such as Article 8 on Freedom of Religion and Article 9 on Religion, National Identity, and Peace. Ven. Myeong An recognized the groundbreaking nature of the DPCW and expressed his belief in the necessity of HWPL's peace initiatives, including the Scripture Comparison Dialogues and the advocacy for international law to end wars and promote peace education. He urged for widespread support for the DPCW, emphasizing the collective responsibility to work towards peace and harmony among religions.

"Card section urging support for DPCW" (Image from Chenji Ilbo)

Through his embracement of HWPL’s Peace work, Ven. Myeong An now became a peace messenger from religious field. He urges everyone to work together under the banner of HWPL with great hope and pride until the day when wars cease and world peace is realized, leading the way towards creating a peaceful world.

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