Tuesday, April 16, 2024

Upholding Justice and Peace: The Role of Law in Mongolian Society

In the fabric of society, the essential threads of law and regulations bind individuals together, shaping the collective existence. They provide the necessary framework for maintaining order and harmony, yet occasionally, these very laws are manipulated to inflict harm and perpetuate injustices. However, amidst such challenges, efforts to strengthen the rule of law emerge as beacons of hope, as seen in Mongolia's recent endeavors to commemorate its commitment to legal justice.

On January 11, 2023, Mongolia celebrated "Constitution Day" by hosting the "Conference for Ensuring and Implementing the Law." Organized by the Heavenly Culture World Peace Restoration of Light (HWPL), a prominent non-governmental organization advocating for global peace, the conference convened government officials, civil society representatives, and legal experts to deliberate on Mongolia's adherence to the rule of law and human rights principles. The participants forged a collective resolve to uphold the rule of law within Mongolia and recognized the imperative of international law in achieving global peace.

Picture taken at the "Conference for Ensuring and Implementing the Law" (image from Cheonji Ilbo) 


Attended by approximately 400 individuals, including former Mongolian Prime Ministers, government officials, educators, journalists, Buddhist leaders, lawyers, and representatives from non-governmental organizations, the conference underscored the importance of fostering a culture of legal justice across all sectors of society. Discussions delved into enhancing public awareness and compliance with Mongolia's domestic laws, emphasizing the significance of issues such as women's rights, constitutional freedoms, and civic education. Moreover, the conference highlighted the pivotal role of international law, introducing the "Declaration of Peace and Cessation of War" (DPCW) as a mechanism to complement existing legal frameworks. Article 38 of the DPCW, formulated in collaboration with international legal scholars including HWPL Chairman Man-hee Lee, embodies provisions aimed at prohibiting aggression and promoting peace education, transcending traditional notions of international law to foster a sustainable global peace.

 Picture taken at the "Conference for Ensuring and Implementing the Law" (image from Cheonji Ilbo) 

Addressing the gathering, former Mongolian Deputy Prime Minister, Yoo Yoon-baatar, advocated for learning from South Korea's independence in legislating and implementing laws pertaining to human rights. He emphasized the collective responsibility to strive for justice and human rights, echoing sentiments shared by academics and legal practitioners alike. Furthermore, speakers reiterated the intrinsic link between law enforcement agencies and civil society in ensuring the implementation of laws and promoting a culture of respect for legal norms. They underscored the need for governmental accountability and judicial integrity to elevate the rule of law from a mere legal principle to a cornerstone of everyday life. The conference also featured diverse thematic presentations, ranging from discussions on equal rights and legal education to the practical implementation of constitutional freedoms within local communities. Each presentation resonated with attendees, fostering a shared commitment towards advancing legal justice and human rights.

Picture taken at the "Conference for Ensuring and Implementing the Law" (image from Cheonji Ilbo) 

In conclusion, Mongolia's dedication to promoting legal justice reflects a broader global aspiration for peace and harmony. As efforts to strengthen the rule of law continue, fueled by initiatives such as the DPCW and grassroots advocacy, the vision of a peaceful coexistence anchored in justice becomes increasingly attainable. With unwavering determination and collective action, societies worldwide can aspire to realize a future where peace prevails, and the rule of law reigns supreme.

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