Saturday, April 13, 2024

The Role of Media in Achieving World Peace

In the pursuit of global peace, there exists a significant influencer: the media. The media holds the power to either exacerbate conflicts or provide crucial insights for achieving peace. If the media only disseminates information that fuels conflicts rather than promoting peace, it can inadvertently contribute to discord and even wars. Therefore, the role of the media in advancing world peace cannot be overstated.

Image from HWPL Homepage

Recognizing this pivotal role, the Heavenly Culture World Peace and Restoration of Light (HWPL), a global peace NGO led by Chairman Lee Man-hee, have been actively engaging journalists worldwide to emphasize the mission of journalists for peace. In 2023, HWPL organized the first "HWPL Peace Journalism International Press Workshop," bringing together journalists from various countries to discuss the specific role of journalists in peacebuilding. The workshop, held online on February 18, 2023, amidst ongoing global crises such as the Russia-Ukraine conflict, saw the participation of 150 journalists from approximately 30 countries. Under the theme "The Path to Institutional Peace for Sustainable Development," the workshop deliberated on strategies to strengthen peace journalism and international media networks.

Image from Cheonji Ilbo

During the workshop, international journalists with expertise in peace collaborated on the publication of "Peace Journalism Research," which analyzed conflict situations through case studies from different countries. The publication also addressed efforts for peacebuilding, highlighting the role of civil society in leading social change through peace activities.


Image from Cheonji Ilbo

HWPL has garnered cooperation from journalists representing diverse nations in its peace initiatives. Among them is Nabil Tirimasji, a program manager at the Asia-Pacific Institute for Broadcasting Development (AIBD), a UN-affiliated organization. Tirimasji, who actively strives to implement peace journalism, collaborates with HWPL in pursuit of a peaceful world. Tirimasji emphasized the necessity for journalists to approach peace through various means and urged for efforts to understand and harmonize with different cultures, influencing each other's perspectives and attitudes. He appealed for the active involvement of journalists in achieving peace, expressing hope for their participation.


Image from Cheonji Ilbo

Journalists worldwide commend Chairman Lee Man-hee’s leadership in advancing peace efforts. An editorial manager from RisingBD, a Bangladeshi online media outlet, praised Chairman Lee's advocacy of "We Are One," highlighting its profound expression of a fair society. Journalists from conflict-affected countries empathize keenly with the need for peace. The CEO of Mon News Agency in Myanmar, Casa Mon, expressed her desire to learn from other countries' peace experiences, valuing her association with HWPL in pursuing peace actively. Similarly, the editor-in-chief of Spiked Zimbabwe, Udanner Mutingwand, lauded Chairman Lee as not only an exemplary leader within Zimbabwe but also globally, advocating for widespread recognition of his endeavors in uniting the world.

In conclusion, the media plays an indispensable role in advancing world peace. Through initiatives like HWPL's Peace Journalism Workshops and collaborations with journalists worldwide, efforts are underway to harness the power of the media for constructive peacebuilding, fostering understanding, and harmony across nations and cultures. As journalists unite under the banner of peace, their collective efforts contribute significantly to the realization of a more peaceful world.

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