[HWPL Peace Education Textbook 11-3] International Documents of Peace: Declaration of Peace and Cessation of War (DPCW)

[HWPL Peace Education Textbook 11 Law- Aviding Spirit and Law of Peace]

[11-3] International Documents of Peace: Declaration of Peace and Cessation of War (DPCW)

Learning Objectives

1. Understand the spirit of law-abiding through the necessity of laws.

2. Recognize that a peaceful character is essential for following the law.

3. Understand that binding laws for peace are necessary to achieve peace.


The Need for Legal Frameworks for World Peace

**DPCW**: The Declaration of Peace and Cessation of War is an international law proposed to resolve global wars and conflicts and achieve world peace.


What is the DPCW?

The DPCW, consisting of 10 articles and 38 clauses, is an international law created to end wars worldwide and achieve sustainable peace.

Exploring the Need for the DPCW

After World War II, which resulted in approximately 70 million casualties, the international community recognized the extreme dangers of modern warfare and the necessity for peace and international order. The United Nations (UN), established to maintain international order, now has 193 member countries working to resolve various conflicts peacefully. However, despite the UN and global efforts, wars and terrorism persist around the world. There are thousands of nuclear weapons developed during the Cold War era, with the potential to destroy the earth many times over.

Why is the DPCW Necessary?

1. Current International and Domestic Laws: Existing laws do not have provisions that can completely end wars globally.

2. Global Nature of Peace: Peace is a global issue, not just a problem for one country.

3. Universal Standard for Peace: There needs to be a single standard that the global community can agree upon and follow. The DPCW sets this standard, and global citizens play a role in monitoring and ensuring its implementation.

Key Values and Content of the DPCW

The DPCW can be divided into three main parts:

1. Articles 1-5: Prevention of conflicts.

2. Articles 6-7: Mediation and resolution of conflicts.

3. Articles 8-10: Sustainable peace.

Let’s look a deep look at the part of DPCW.

- Article 1: Prohibits the threat or use of force. Nations should refrain from military action unless permitted by international law and consider aggression an international crime.

- Article 2: Focuses on military reduction. It calls for the gradual reduction and dismantling of weapons and military facilities, repurposing decommissioned weapons for beneficial uses.

- Article 9: Addresses religion, recognizing that violent religious extremism can threaten peaceful coexistence. It mandates legal actions against individuals or groups engaging in or attempting collective and widespread violence under the guise of religion.

- Article 10: Promotes the spread of a culture of peace, urging nations to acknowledge and support organizations and movements working for global peace.


Implementation of the DPCW

1. Legislate Peace Campaign:

Peace cannot be sustained by the efforts of specific groups or systems alone. HWPL promotes a bottom-up approach to peace through the "Legislate Peace" campaign, encouraging active participation from civil society, especially women and youth, to urge leaders to adopt peace laws.

2. National Support and UN Resolution:

HWPL aims to develop the DPCW into a binding international law and plans to present it as a resolution to the UN General Assembly.

3. Monitoring and Supervision by Civil Society:

The most powerful driving force for implementing the DPCW lies in civil society. Peaceful citizens, especially women and youth, play a crucial role in suppressing war and advocating for peace.


1. Research and present on wars that occurred after World War II. Discuss the causes, scale, and outcomes of these wars. Examples include the Korean War and the Vietnam War.

2. Reflect on and discuss what your life and family's situation would be like if war broke out in your country or region. Think about what you can do to prevent war and share your thoughts.

<Chapter 11 Conclusion: Law- Aviding Spirit and Law of Peace>

Laws are norms for maintaining social order, and the value of laws lies in their observance. The spirit of law-abiding is the mindset of following laws to maintain order and protect peace. It is one of the peace values that can help achieve peace. By internalizing peace values, anyone can become a peaceful citizen. Peaceful citizens advocate for the end of wars, the restoration of world order, and monitor to ensure peace is not disrupted.


The DPCW, composed of 10 articles and 38 clauses, is a peace international law designed to achieve sustainable peace. The goal is to develop it into a binding international law, with various sectors of civil society urging its realization. Through the DPCW, let's achieve world peace and leave it as an eternal legacy for future generations.


1 comment:

  1. This is a beautiful post. The fact that one of the five member states of the UN Security Council has launched an invasion of a neighbouring country without repercussions proves that international law and its implementation is weak and in need of reform. I do think the DPCW is the solution to the cessation of all global hostilities.


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