Is the global village peaceful now?

Is the global village peaceful now? If everyone's answer to this question is "yes," we could say that the global community is peaceful. It would be time to strive to achieve a world of peace and develop a culture of peace. But even I don't think it's peaceful either.

Some people may live in places that do not feel threatened by war, do live in safe, and live in pursuit of a better welfare society beyond human rights guarantees. On the part of the global community, some people have to leave the country to live a life of refugees because they feel threatened by living themselves, and others are probably shaking for no meal of the day.

It is not wrong to live in peace. I just hope you will share your peace with others. The first step in sharing one's peace is to become a messenger of peace. Man-hee Lee who is chairman of Heavenly Culture, World Peace, Restoration of Light (HWPL), says to everyone, "Let's be messengers of peace to put a cessation of the war and make peace through education of peace." Because peace is not something that an individual can achieve, and it is something that all come together.

If everyone resembles the image of heaven sharing light, rain and air with all, then all of us can make peace as messengers of peace.


  1. Our world is certainly not peaceful. We need to continue to urge all all 193 heads of state to help sign and ratify the Declaration of Peace and Cessation of War (DPCW) as international law at the United Nations this September

  2. Let's be the peace messenger and bring peace together

  3. This world need peace let's achieve peace on this earth :)

  4. Good job, HWPL. I support you all the way in your steps towards global peace.

  5. Let's strive to achieve a world of peace and develop a culture of peace. ^_^

  6. Let us share peace with others by supporting this cause! : ))

  7. Woooowwww thank you HWPL for such a great work :)

  8. Definitely we live in the most peaceful time compared to history. However, we have so much to do and achieve in order to achieve world peace. There are so many countries which do not have peace yet, we should help, even though it seems impossible because we are only a few people or young or not influential. But, if everyone gathers their heart as one, surely we can achieve many things. I agree with HWPL Chairman Mr Man Hee Lee, to be messengers of peace, for each and everyone of us. It is possible. :)

  9. Seems like it is a kind of new thing, maybe can make some changes

  10. YEs we easily forget that this world is still full of conflicts that damages a person's and a community's life. Peace is the only way, and answers to peace is needed ! I fully supports HWPL

  11. Cheers to Peace Movement! : ))

  12. Let the peace message spread to the global village!!

  13. Mysticsecret wants peace. We all wants peace

  14. Peace is so great hope we can achieve this

  15. Looking forward to the day when people will no longer be fighting against each other

  16. まず、平和を知らせることが先ですね。

  17. 平和を一緒に叶えましょう

  18. 平和の世界が早く叶えるように!


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