[HWPL Peace Education Textbook 11-2] Citizen of Peace: The Walking Law of Peace

[HWPL Peace Education Textbook 11 Law- Aviding Spirit and Law of Peace]

[11-2] Citizen of Peace: The Walking Law of Peace  


Learning Objectives:

1. Understand the spirit of law-abiding through the necessity of laws.

2. Recognize that a peaceful character is essential for following the law.

3. Understand that binding laws for peace are necessary to achieve peace.


Abiding to the Law Makes You a Citizen of Peace

* Citizen of Peace: A person who has internalized the values of peace.

What is the Character Trait of Peace?

Character Trait of Peace is a personality that has internalized the values needed to achieve peace. We have learned about these key values in lessons 5 through 11: gratitude for received kindness, consideration for others' benefit, selfless sacrifice, understanding and forgiveness towards others, respect for elders, efforts to preserve ancestral heritage, and the spirit of law-abiding.

What happens when we develop a characteristic of peace? We gain the inner strength to overcome greed, which is a fundamental cause of disorder in human society. Additionally, we recognize our own value and can have a positive influence on others. The restoration of one person's character is connected to the restoration of world order and is an important starting point for world peace.

Image from Pixabay

Citizen of Peace: Walking Laws of Peace

Some people study laws but don't follow them, while others, even without deep legal knowledge, follow the laws guided by their conscience. People with a peaceful character have a spirit of law-abiding and follow laws voluntarily based on their conscience. Sometimes, they are said to be "the kind of person who can live without laws." These individuals become "walking laws of peace," setting an example by following the laws themselves and teaching others to do the same. We call these people peaceful citizens.

In the 20th and 21st centuries, science and technology have advanced rapidly compared to previous eras. However, the results of scientific and technological advancements depend on how they are used and by whom. If used as tools of war, the future may not be bright. Science and technology are means and tools, and what matters is the philosophy and civic awareness of those who use them. Today, we need peaceful citizens who use science and technology for the prosperity and peace of humanity.

Image from Pixabay

 The Need for and Role of Citizen of Peace

Why do we need citizens of peace, and what roles can they play? Citizen of peace act as ambassadors of peace, resolving various conflicts through peaceful means. They urge their leaders and fellow citizens to end wars and promote peace, spreading a culture of peace in various ways.

How can citizens of peace contribute to preventing war? Lessons 3 and 4 highlighted that the most significant breakdown of order in the human world occurs at the international level, making it difficult to resolve international conflicts. Who can mediate and resolve these conflicts? The solution lies in civil society. No leader can ignore the voices of their people or push policies that the people oppose. citizens of peace convey the message of rejecting war and invasion to national leaders and urge them to resolve conflicts peacefully, thereby preventing war.

How can one become a citizen of peace? Peace education can nurture citizens of peace. Just as students learn math and science, learning about peace from a young age helps them understand why wars must end and why peace is necessary. They will also understand the processes and methods for achieving peace. Peace education helps pass down a culture of peace to future generations. Just as scientific and academic knowledge doesn't regress, the culture of peace spread around the globe will not easily fade. When a culture of peace permeates the world, people's awareness of peace will solidify, creating an environment where no one can easily start a war.

Image from Pixabay

By understanding and embracing the values of peace, we can become a citizen of peace and contribute to a more harmonious and just world. Let's strive to internalize these values and spread the culture of peace!



1. Identify someone around you who is said to be able to live without laws, and discuss why this person can be considered a citizen of peace.

2. Write down what you need to improve to become a citizen of peace and share your thoughts with those around you.


<A Step Further>

Understanding Citizens and Civil Organizations

**Citizen**: In a democratic society, a citizen is an individual who holds rights and responsibilities and participates voluntarily and actively in public policy decisions. Historically, citizens were a privileged class in ancient societies, the bourgeoisie leading the civil revolutions in the modern era, and today they represent the majority of society's members. Citizens contrast with the general populace in their autonomy, universality, critical thinking, and rational decision-making abilities.


**Civil Organizations**: These are groups formed voluntarily by citizens to work for the benefit of society rather than for the members or the organization itself. Funded by members and citizen contributions, civil organizations engage in various activities like political oversight, media monitoring, human rights, environmental activism, and consumer protection. They gather public demands and opinions to influence politics and solve social issues, representing a key method of political participation.


**Roles of Civil Organizations**: They monitor and check the abuse of state power, shape public opinion, advocate for the socially disadvantaged, and represent public interests in areas like the environment, law, and youth issues. Through international solidarity, they work towards human welfare and solving global issues. By participating in civil organizations, citizens complement and overcome the limitations of representative democracy, expanding their political involvement and will.



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