[HWPL Peace Education Textbook 9-1] Respect for Elders

[HWPL Peace Education Textbook 9 Respect for Elders]

[9-1] Filial Piety: Courtesy Towards Parents


Learning Objectives

1. Understand why we should practice respect and filial piety towards our parents.

2. Recognize the importance of respecting and honoring teachers.

3. Practice respect towards elders in our community.


Showing Respect to Parents: Why It's Important

Parents are the ones who gave us life. It’s essential to appreciate and serve them with ‘filial piety’ for their grace in giving birth to and raising us.

A Glimpse into History

In 15th to 18th century Korea, during the Joseon Dynasty, there was an impressive ceremony for the Crown Prince's admission to school. During this ceremony, the Crown Prince would kneel and lie on the floor to read a book while his teacher lectured. This act of humility and respect, even from someone destined to be king, was a demonstration of reverence and honor towards the teacher’s wisdom and character. This practice set an example for the people, showing the importance of respecting one's elders.

Why We Should Respect Our Parents

Without our parents, we wouldn't exist. Showing gratitude and respect to the ones who gave us life is a fundamental human duty and a universal value. In our daily lives, practicing respect and filial piety towards our parents is crucial.

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1. The Importance of Filial Piety

In Eastern philosophy, many great sages have emphasized the importance of filial piety. Confucius called it the foundation of all virtues. Other scholars like Toegye, Yulgok, and the teachings in the Classic of Filial Piety (효경) also highlighted its significance. Filial piety was considered the basis of all human actions and the root of virtue and education.

Historian Arnold Toynbee noted that if there was one concept from Korean culture that could contribute to human civilization, it would be the philosophy of filial piety. This idea of respecting and being grateful to parents is not unique to Eastern cultures. For instance, the Bible's Ten Commandments also instruct us to honor our parents.

Filial piety is about practicing love, respect, and care for our parents. Recognizing their unconditional love and sacrifices, feeling grateful, and reciprocating is a basic human duty. It is the foundation of human ethics and a beautiful virtue passed down through generations. Filial piety transcends time, place, culture, religion, ideology, and philosophy. Reviving the spirit of filial piety is essential for restoring human relationships and achieving peace.

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2. Why We Must Practice Filial Piety

Emperor Frederick II of the Holy Roman Empire once conducted an experiment to see which language children would speak first if they were never spoken to. Babies were taken from their parents and raised by nurses who were instructed not to speak to them. Sadly, the babies died because they weren't nurtured with love and care. This experiment showed that parental presence is crucial for a child's survival and development.

Parents are the first teachers who guide us in walking, eating, speaking, and thinking. They gave us life and sacrificed parts of their own lives to raise us. Recognizing and appreciating this immense grace is the basis of filial piety.

In Buddhist scripture, the Sutra on the Profound Kindness of Parents (부모은중경) describes ten great graces bestowed by parents. There’s also an old tale about the filial piety of crows, which care for their parents when they grow old. Stories like these remind us of the grace we’ve received from our parents and the duty we have as children.

Even if parents cannot fully fulfill their roles due to various reasons, like being busy with work or facing economic hardships, the duty of children to respect and practice filial piety towards their parents remains. We must fundamentally be grateful to those who gave us life. This is the core reason we should practice filial piety.

Practicing respect and filial piety towards our parents is not just about honoring them but also about upholding a universal value that fosters peace and harmony in our lives and communities. Let’s strive to practice these virtues daily.

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1. Reflect on the grace you’ve received from your parents during your growth and share your thoughts.

2. Discuss how practicing respect and filial piety towards your parents can impact you and those around you.



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