[HWPL Peace Education Textbook 6-1] Why Do We Need to be Considerate?

[HWPL Peace Education Textbook 6 Being Considerate of the Benefit of Others]

[6-1] Why Do We Need to be Considerate?

Learning Objectives

1. Understand the concept and necessity of consideration.

2. Learn the benefits of consideration through examples.

3. Discover ways to practice consideration to achieve community peace.


Opening Story

A blind man walked along the road at night with a bucket on his head and a lamp in one hand. A person he encountered on the road noticed he was blind and asked, “That’s really weird. Why are you holding a lamp which you can’t see?” He replied, “So that you won’t run into me. This lamp is not for me, but it is for you.”

Why is Consideration Necessary? 

Why do we need to consider the well-being of others?

In a time when it often feels like we don't have enough for ourselves, why should we consider others? Since prehistoric times, humanity has formed social groups to protect and secure themselves from external threats. However, as societies formed, various interests led to countless disputes and conflicts.

To reduce conflicts and live harmoniously, we must strive to understand each other's perspectives. Understanding different viewpoints and considering others' benefits is essential. Consideration is a crucial element for members of society to live together and build a peaceful community.

Image from Pixabay

Factors Hindering Consideration 

1.Lack of Community Spirit

Cultures and customs vary widely across the world. People's appearances, values, and lifestyles are different. In the 21st century, society has become increasingly individualized and fragmented. News articles and reports frequently highlight the lack of community spirit and the rise of selfishness. The attitude of "me first" or "it's okay if it's just me" can negatively impact society as a whole. In a world of material abundance, selfishness is often encouraged, and the value of consideration is diminishing.

Image from Cheonji Ilbo

In the illustration, the boat symbolizes a community. If water is leaking into the boat and the people at the top ignore it, thinking it's someone else's problem, they will soon realize that the issue affects everyone. Without addressing the problem together, the boat will eventually sink. A society lacking community spirit finds it difficult to achieve harmony and peace.

2. Destruction of Nature and Disregard for Life

The greatest crisis of modern society is the dying nature due to industrialization and growth. Human centrism separates human from nature, believing that humans dominate nature. This leads into treating nature merely as a resource for human prosperity.

This mindset, which developed after the Industrial Revolution, emphasizes efficiency and sidelines moral and ethical issues. It has led to a society that trivializes the destruction of life and nature, fostering a culture of selfishness where personal gain is prioritized over consideration.

Image from Pixabay

Consideration to Foster a Peaceful Character

The most meaningful aspect of human relationships is love, which completes us as human beings. Love begins with interest and consideration. When someone shows interest and consideration towards us, we feel gratitude and love. Acts and words of consideration, no matter how small, are never insignificant.

Consideration brings out the positive aspects within us. It transforms selfishness, greed, hatred, prejudice, suspicion, and aggressiveness into love, respect, understanding, gratitude, and compassion towards others. Consideration connects the increasingly fragmented members of modern society, helping to restore harmony and peace.

Consideration can start easily in daily life. Showing interest and care for others, even in small ways, is a good start. Offering your seat on a bus or subway, holding the door open for someone, sharing an umbrella in the rain—these are small acts of consideration. Actively thinking about how to make others happier and acting on it is an example of active consideration.

Consideration is like air. We may not notice it daily, but we immediately feel its absence. If a society or organization feels harmonious, it's thanks to the consideration among its members. Just like the invisible air, small and large acts of consideration exist. To create a community of peace, we must each become individuals who practice consideration for others' well-being.

Image from Pixabay


1. Share an experience where a small act of consideration warmed your heart.

2. Share a time when you felt hurt because you were not considered.

3. Discuss how showing consideration for each other impacts the community. Share your thoughts and opinions.

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