Mindanao Peace Agreement: A Beacon of Hope for World Peace

On January 24, 2014, a groundbreaking civilian peace agreement brought an end to the 40-year-long bloodshed between Islam and Catholicism in Mindanao, Philippines. The pivotal figure behind this historic accord was the Korean peace activist, Chairman Manhee Lee of Heavenly Culture World Peace Restoration of Light (HWPL), registered with the United Nations. Celebrating the 10th anniversary of Peace Agreement in Mindanao, let’s take a look at the the history of war in Mindanao and how Chairman Manhee Lee facilitated the Mindanao Peace Agreement. 

Image from HWPL Homepage

Religion: The Main Source of War

The deeply rooted conflict in Mindanao has been fueled by religious differences, particularly between Islam and Catholicism. The strife, spanning over 40 years, witnessed residents turning weapons on each other, resulting in the loss of over 120,000 lives. Mindanao's unique demographic, with a predominantly Islamic population, clashed with the Catholic majority in the rest of the Philippines, escalating the tensions. This is not surprising to see this conflict considering the fact that about 80% of war around the world is caused by religious differences.


Achieving Peace Agreement in Mindanao

In 2013, the Catholic Archbishop of Mindanao, Antonio Ledesma, met with Chairman Manhee Lee and requested his intervention for peace in Mindanao. Unable to visit the conflict zone immediately, Chairman Lee, along with a peace delegation, visited Mindanao on January 24, 2014, initiating a courageous step towards peace in the midst of a war zone.

Chairman Lee, addressing both Catholic and Islamic leaders, emphasized that the intention of the creator of the world is peace, not war and invited those desiring peace to raise their hands. When all hands were raised, he urged leaders of both religion to step forward and sign the peace agreement. Both Islamic and Catholic leaders putting pen to paper for peace, the signing marked the beginning of ending the 40-year-long conflict.

Image from HWPL Homepage - Two religious leaders in Mindanao and Chairman Manhee Lee

10th Anniversary of Mindanao Peace Agreement: Aftermath of Peace Agreement

Jan. 24th 2024 marks the tenth year of this historic agreement. Mindanao, the place where once disgraced with the most notorious bloodshed disputes in Asia is now stands as a cradle of global peace. What changes did Mindanao see after the peace agreements? Locals are dreaming of and actively participating in peace coexistence with the help of getting peace education through peace textbooks provided by HWPL. The operation of Islamic self-governed areas in Mindanao is also promoting peaceful coexistence of Islam and Catholic. The region has become a symbol of peace where both Islam and Catholic freely communicate and enjoying the peace and freedom.


Image from HWPL Homepage - Peace Monument in the Philippines

Mindanao’s Peace Agreement: Hope for Global Peace

The Mindanao Peace Agreement serves as a powerful example, especially in the current global context marred by ongoing wars. In a world where conflicts often arise due to religious differences, the successful resolution of Mindanao's 40-year strife through dialogue and understanding highlights the potential for global peace.

Chairman Manhee Lee's dedication to peace extends beyond Mindanao, with his vision reaching regions like North Korea, emphasizing that the endpoint of peace activism is a world without war. As we witness conflicts unfold worldwide, let us draw inspiration from the miracle in Mindanao and join the global prayer for peace—a fervent hope that, just like spring emerging beneath the icy surface, a world without war will soon blossom.

Mindanao Expresses Gratitude to HWPL Chairman Lee Man-hee for the Gift of Peace

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