Harmony, Peace, and Love: HWPL's Global Impact through the Eyes of Ecuadorian Advocate, Cristian Yeres

HWPL's Influence in Global Society

HWPL led by the dedicated Chairman Lee Man-hee, has transcended borders to become a well-known global peace NGO. The organization's genuine dedication has motivated people to come together with a common aspiration for lasting peace. HWPL's authenticity and unwavering passion for global peace have left an indelible mark on the hearts of individuals worldwide. Cristina Yeres, a key advocate from Ecuador, stands as a testament to the unity fostered by HWPL in the pursuit of peace.

Cristina Yeres from Ecuador: Advocate of HWPL and Global Peace

Ecuador, located in South America, boasts diverse landscapes, including exotic beaches, snow-capped volcanoes, and rich ancestral cultures. Despite its natural and cultural wealth, Ecuador faces challenges such as poverty, inequality, and crime. Cristian emphasizes the need for a peace-oriented education system to address fundamental issues and foster unity among its people.

Cristina Yeres, a prominent figure in Ecuador's legal and communication fields, has been an active participant in various civic organizations for over 15 years. Her extensive experience in politics, initially as a city councilor and later as a member of the national parliament, reflects her commitment to public service. Currently serving as a legislator in the Andes Assembly, Cristina is also involved with the Revert Foundation, dedicated to supporting female entrepreneurs and providing humanitarian aid across Ecuador.

Image from Pixabay

Cristina Yeres and HWPL

In a recent interview, Cristina expressed deep admiration for Chairman Lee and resonated with HWPL's transformative approach to peace-building. She highlighted the organization's unique ability to bring together diverse perspectives, fostering a sense of global family among its members.

Cristina's involvement with HWPL began during the 2019 9.18 World Peace Summit in Quito, Ecuador. Inspired by Chairman Lee's philosophy and the vibrant atmosphere of the event, Cristina became captivated by the joy of actively contributing to meaningful peace initiatives. She acknowledges the impact of HWPL's activities in promoting dialogue and understanding across borders.


Image from HWPL official Facebook Page

Among HWPL's initiatives, Cristina highlighted the significance of the "Declaration of Peace and Cessation of War (DPCW)," emphasizing its role in controlling, halting, and preventing conflicts worldwide. She also praised HWPL's efforts in fostering peaceful coexistence among diverse religious, political, and social groups through interfaith dialogues.

While recognizing HWPL's monumental efforts, Cristina encourages continuous progress and development within HWPL.  She emphasizes the importance of sustaining the momentum of the global peace family, urging leaders and citizens alike to contribute actively to its growth.


Image from HWPL Official Facebook Page

Last Remarks for Media and Global Citizens

Cristina Yeres underscores the pivotal role of media communication in addressing societal conflicts and promoting a deeper understanding of global issues. She encourages a shift in focus from mere reporting to actively advocating for positive values that can reshape our perspectives.

Cristina Yeres implores each global citizen to reflect upon the transformative potential of HWPL as we navigate the complexities of our world,  She envisions a future where people from all walks of life come together, embodying values of solidarity, love, and empathy. In the face of the challenges humanity faces, Cristina leaves us with the hopeful message that, by collectively embracing a culture of peace, we can create a better world for generations to come.

Watch full version of Cristina Yeres' Interview 

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