HWPL's 7th annual commemoration of DPCW
HWPL's 7th annual commemoration of DPCW
Do you think the peaceful world is possible?
I think now is peaceful but it was only my delusion.
I can see the wars around the world. the result of war was very very terrible.
BUT, HWPL (Heavenly Culture, World Peace, Restoration of Ligtht) declared the DPCW (Declaration of Peace and Cessation of War) at the 14th of Mar. 2016.
It has 10 articles and 38 clauses on DPCW and it is solution to end war and sustable peace.
Today, The 7th annual commemoration of DPCW has holded by HWPL in Korea.
The subtitle is Institutional peace, Strengthening communication to build trust.
Individual can't make peaceful world. it will be dream.
But, if we gather the mind, we can make peaceful world.
Some countries want to do war for their profit but we can live happily and lack for nothing without war.
I am dream the peaceful world and hope live all people as a family.
More detail: Introduction of 7th Annual Commemoration
See you!
“The DPCW was introduced to renew the inoperative international law to eliminate war. Now is the time to achieve peace”