Friday, July 19, 2024

[HWPL Peace Education Textbook 9-3] Showing Courtesy Towards Elders

[HWPL Peace Education Textbook 9 Respect for Elders]

[9-3] Showing Courtesy Towards Elders


Learning Objectives

1. Understand why it is important to practice courtesy and filial piety towards parents.

2. Understand why it is important to respect and honor teachers.

3. Practice courtesy towards elders in the community.


How to Practice Courtesy Towards Elders

Courtesy begins with gratitude. Filial piety towards parents and respect and honor towards teachers are expressed through courtesy. Courtesy is not just a feeling but is shown through actions and words. Courtesy helps restore order and harmony in both the home and society, laying the foundation for peace.


1. Practicing 'Courtesy' as Filial Piety and Respect

Courtesy involves expressing gratitude and respect to elders, including parents, through speech and actions. The Chinese character for "courtesy" () combines "to show" () and "abundance" (), symbolizing the act of presenting abundant offerings to the gods with sincerity. This reflects the essence of offering gratitude and respect to one's ancestors.

Similar to the concept of "etiquette" in Western culture, which originates from the French word "étiquette," it refers to social behaviors based on contemporary norms and traditional customs. Etiquette began as a list of rules posted on a wall in French courts, guiding people on how to behave with dignity in line with royal standards.

Both "courtesy" and "etiquette" are expressions of respect and consideration for others. Courtesy towards elders involves lowering oneself and elevating parents, teachers, and elders. By practicing courtesy, we can develop proper behavior, create harmony in society, and build respectful relationships with those who have shaped our lives, helping us grow into individuals of higher character and peace-loving citizens.

Image from Pixabay

2. Practical Ways to Practice Courtesy Today

Expressions of gratitude and respect towards parents and elders have evolved over time. While forms may change, the underlying spirit remains the same. Here are some practical ideas for practicing courtesy today:

Care: Make elders feel comfortable and cared for emotionally and physically. Emotional care can include making them feel joy and comfort, and keeping in touch frequently if distance is an issue. Physical care can involve helping with meals, household chores, medical services, financial support, or connecting them to community services.

Obedience: Respect the life experience and wisdom of parents and elders by listening to them and following their guidance.

Image from Pixabay

Consultation: Seek advice and counsel from elders on various matters. Communicate with a respectful tone, take notes on important points, and ask questions humbly.

Serving First: Show respect by offering food, help, convenience, and services to elders first, such as letting them use rooms, baths, cars, or elevators before you.

Greeting: Greetings are a basic yet important way to show respect. Greet elders with a respectful posture and a clear, polite voice.

Image from Pixabay

Using Honorifics: Use respectful language when speaking or writing to elders, expressing humility and elevating them in conversation.

Neat Appearance: Dress neatly and groom yourself when meeting elders, showing respect through your appearance and demeanor.

By practicing these methods, you can find what suits you best and apply it. Think about the fundamental principles of courtesy as you practice, awakening your conscience and fostering peace and harmony in your interactions with elders.

Image from Pixabay


1. What is one act of courtesy you can start practicing towards your parents or teachers today?

2. How might practicing courtesy influence those around you?


<Chapter 9 Conclusion: Respect for Elders> 

Courtesy towards elders promotes order in relationships. Through expressions of filial piety and respect, we recognize that our existence is connected to others and show gratitude to those who have given us life. This practice helps us learn order, wisdom, and discern right from wrong. Practicing courtesy builds our character and sets an example for future generations.

Why is this necessary for achieving peace? Values like gratitude, consideration, sacrifice, and forgiveness, which we have learned in previous lessons, are key to inner peace. Starting with courtesy towards elders, we create a foundation for social order and peace. By practicing filial piety and respect, we pave the way for a peaceful world and embody a vision of a harmonious society.

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