Monday, July 15, 2024

[HWPL Peace Education Textbook 9-2] Respect and Honor for Teachers

[HWPL Peace Education Textbook 9 Respect for Elders]

[9-1] Respect and Honor for Teachers


Learning Objectives

1. Understand why it is important to practice courtesy and filial piety towards parents.

2. Understand why it is important to respect and honor teachers.

3. Practice courtesy towards elders in the community.


Who Are Teachers and Why Should We Respect and Honor Them?

Teachers are the ones who impart life wisdom and true knowledge, laying the foundation for our growth. We should be grateful for their hard work and dedication, valuing the wisdom and lessons they provide. Additionally, we should always maintain a learning mindset and strive to find true teachers.

Image from Pixabay

Reasons to Respect and Honor Teachers

 In a survey conducted on a major portal site, 89.1% of working professionals responded that they need a life teacher or mentor. Despite the abundance of educational content available in books, broadcasts, and online lectures, many still feel the need for personal mentors. The issue may lie in the lack of effort to seek out and recognize true teachers.

Seventeenth-century Korean scholar Seo Haewung wrote about the lack of respect and honor in the teacher-student relationship. This situation remains unchanged today. Many educators exist, but when students treat education merely as a service they pay for, the title of "teacher" loses its meaning. The relationship between professors and students in universities also varies based on students' attitudes towards their professors. When students regard professors merely as professionals doing a job, they miss out on the opportunity to gain valuable wisdom and guidance.

Research shows that the most significant factor influencing students' academic success is the relationship with their teachers, not their parents or friends. Students who trust and have positive relationships with their teachers learn more effectively, while negative relationships lead to poor academic outcomes. Therefore, trust and respect towards educators are essential qualities and attitudes for genuine learning.

Image from Pixabay

The Story of Confucius and His Student Yan Hui

 Yan Hui, one of Confucius' beloved students, was known for his love of learning and good character. One day, Yan Hui went to the market on an errand for Confucius and witnessed a dispute between a shopkeeper and a customer. The customer insisted that "3×8 is 23" and refused to pay the correct amount. Yan Hui respectfully corrected him, saying "3×8 is 24." The customer challenged Yan Hui, betting his head while Yan Hui bet his hat, and they awaited Confucius' judgment.

Confucius laughed and told Yan Hui, "You lost, so give up your hat." Yan Hui, puzzled and feeling disillusioned with his teacher, sought an explanation. Confucius explained that if he had sided with Yan Hui, the customer would have had to forfeit his life. Yan Hui then understood the wisdom behind his teacher's decision and knelt before Confucius, showing deep respect.

This story illustrates that even if we have a great teacher, failing to understand their intentions and judging from our perspective can hinder our learning. True wisdom comes from seeking the teacher's viewpoint and understanding their wisdom. There are many hidden masters and potential mentors in life, and by striving to find and learn from them with humility and genuine intent, we can meet the life teachers we seek.

Image from Pixabay


1. Who is the most memorable teacher you've had? Think about why they were a great teacher and share your thoughts.

2. Discuss how having a positive attitude towards your teacher can help you learn better and gain more from their teachings.

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