Wednesday, April 24, 2024

[HWPL Peace Education Textbook 1-1] Diversity | Why is Diversity in Nature Necessary?

[HWPL Peace Education Textbook Chapter 1] The Original State of All Creation 

[1-1] Diversity | Why is Diversity in Nature Necessary?

"Diversity" chapter aims to introduce the concept of diversity and its significance in both nature and human society, emphasizing the importance of acknowledging and respecting diversity for achieving peace and harmony.

[Learning Objectives]

1. Understand that all elements of nature cooperate with each other to maintain harmony amidst diversity.

2. Explore the answers to world peace within the forms of nature.


 The Earth is Beautiful and Valuable with Various Form of Life

One day, a king, deeply impressed by the delicious wine he was drinking, ordered to bring the person who made it to him. Eventually, he found the person who made the wine and said, "I will bestow a reward upon you for making such a delicious wine." The owner of the winery said, "No, Your Majesty. I simply made the wine from the grapes diligently cultivated by the farmer, so the reward should rightfully go to the farmer." Upon hearing this, the king summoned the farmer from the vineyard and said, "I am impressed by the taste of the wine made from the grapes you cultivated, so I will bestow a reward upon you." The farmer replied, "Your Majesty! The reason such excellent grapes were harvested this year is because the weather was favorable. Therefore, the reward should be given to the heavens."

To produce a bottle of delicious wine, various environmental factors and the efforts of diverse people must harmonize. Both the winery owner and the farmer knew that the best wine cannot be made through the efforts of just one person. Similarly, peace, like the finest wine, cannot be achieved through the efforts of one individual or one nation alone. A peaceful and beautiful world can only be created when diverse people and nations harmonize and cooperate with each other.

Image from Pixabay

 What Exists within All Things Under Heaven?

Our planet, the foundation of our lives, consists of the sky, land, and sea. In the sky, there are the sun, moon, and stars, with clouds drifting in the atmosphere and winds blowing. Occasionally, the sky brings rain or snow, nourishing the land. On land, there are mountains, islands, fields, deserts, rivers, lakes, and various other geographical features. The oceans, comprising about 97% of Earth's water, create waves, currents, tides, and numerous underwater landscapes like continental shelves and trenches. What enhances the beauty and value of Earth is life. Earth is home to a myriad of living organisms, including not only animals such as birds, fish, reptiles, and mammals but also thousands of plant species and microorganisms. And among them, there is humanity.

Ancient East Asian texts often contain extensive discussions on the universe and its myriad beings. They suggest that teaching humanity begins with understanding all things. The opening lines of two ancient books used to teach children's characters are as follows:

"Heaven and Earth are mysterious and yellow, the universe vast and desolate."
<<Thousand Characters>>

“Heaven is above, and the earth is beneath, and between heaven and earth are man, and all created things. The sun, moon, stars and planets are close to heaven, the rivers, seas, mountains and hills are bone on the earth.”
<< A Book for Enlightenment >>


 How Diverse Are the Creatures and People on Earth

Since 2007, over ten scientific research institutions worldwide, including the Natural History Museum in London, Harvard University, the Marine Biological Laboratory, and the Heritage Library, have started compiling the Encyclopedia of Life to record all living species on Earth. As of 2019, this modern-day ark, known as the Encyclopedia of Life, contains records of approximately 1.96 million species. The team compiling the Encyclopedia of Life predicts that there are about 9 million animal species on Earth, with insects comprising the largest proportion, and over 400,000 plant species. Including fungi and bacteria, the number of species on Earth is so vast that it's difficult to measure accurately.

Currently, there are 193 member states of the United Nations (UN), and according to the criteria of the International Olympic Committee (IOC), there are 206 countries. The Earth is home to diverse races and ethnicities, and many countries consist of multiple ethnic groups. As of 2019, the world's population is approximately 7.7 billion, with 7,111 languages registered according to the Ethnologue: Languages of the World, of which 20 are spoken by over 50 million people as their mother tongue. While the total number of religions cannot be accurately determined, there are 22 religions with over 500,000 adherents each. Thus, diverse languages, countries, ethnicities, races, and religions coexist on our planet.

Image from Pixabay

 Why is Biodiversity Necessary?

Biodiversity generally refers to the diversity of genes, species, and ecosystems. Genetic diversity is necessary for adaptation and survival in changing environments. Species with low genetic diversity are more likely to become extinct when new diseases emerge. Conversely, higher genetic diversity increases the population's resilience to changing environments or diseases.

Species diversity refers to the variety of species and their distribution ratios. Higher species diversity leads to a more complex food web and stabilizes ecosystems, maintaining equilibrium. For example, if snakes only prey on frogs, then the disappearance of frogs would lead to the extinction of snakes. However, if snakes have three prey options—frogs, mice, and rabbits—even if frogs disappear, snakes can still survive by preying on other animals. Thus, the more diverse and complex the food web, the more stable the ecosystem.

Ecosystem diversity refers to the variety of ecosystems such as forests, grasslands, and wetlands. For instance, marshes serve as buffer zones connecting terrestrial and marine ecosystems, and the phytoplankton in marshes emit more oxygen per unit area than forests. Moreover, marshes play a role in purifying marine pollution and serve as habitats for various marine organisms such as clams, crabs, and polychaetes. Ecosystem diversity provides a better environment for various species to inhabit.

Image from Pixabay

 Learning Values through the Diversity of All Things: Acknowledging Diversity

Every living organism in this world is so diverse that no two are exactly alike. Similarly, humans possess unique characteristics and identities. However, because humans live as members of a community, conflicts arise when we fail to acknowledge each other's differences and respect diversity. This conflict not only remains among individuals but can escalate into societal conflicts. To resolve conflicts and live harmoniously with diverse goals and perspectives, it is essential to first acknowledge the diversity of each individual. This foundation must be laid to form a more cohesive community and advance towards global harmony among humanity.

Image from Pixabay

 Reference: Conflict - Originating from the Caltrop and Pagoda Tree

Caltrops grow by winding their branches from left to right, while pagoda trees wind their branches from right to left. If they grow side by side, they become entangled, making it difficult to untangle them, and eventually, one of them dies. This relationship is expressed using the Chinese characters for "caltrop" and "pagoda tree," symbolizing conflict.

Human society is no different. Like caltrops and pagoda trees, maintaining peace becomes impossible when each insists solely on their own interests. We must find ways to acknowledge and coexist with differences to maintain peace.


 Conclusion: Respecting Others

"Respect" originates from the Latin word "respicere," which means "to look back, to look again." Therefore, to respect someone, it's necessary to accept them as they are. Accepting someone as they are requires making an effort to be interested in and understand the other person.


Image from Pixabay

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