Sunday, April 21, 2024

Awakening the Spirit of Love and Peace: Exploring HWPL Peace Education

Under the slogan "Let's pass on a world of peace without war as an eternal legacy to future generations," Heavenly Culture World Peace Restoration of Light (HWPL), led by Chairman Man Hee Lee, is writing a new history of global peace movements. They have embedded the propagation of peace culture as a solution to achieve "sustainable peace" in Article 10 of the Declaration of Peace and Cessation of War (DPCW). HWPL Peace Education represents the crystallization of how to disseminate peace culture. HWPL has consulted with education ministries and teachers from various countries to plan and develop peace education curricula.

While conventional peace education has focused on teaching the difference between war and peace and instilling the importance of peace, HWPL Peace Education goes further. It not only teaches the essence of peace but also guides individuals to discover the answer to peace through the harmony and peaceful coexistence inherent in all things. It emphasizes that to achieve global peace, individuals must awaken to their role as agents of peace. Consequently, HWPL Peace Education has been recognized for its positive impact, extending even to the prevention of school violence and the promotion of character education.

Image from HWPL Homepage

<HWPL Peace Education Curriculum> 

The HWPL Peace Education curriculum, developed in consultation with education ministries and teachers worldwide, consists of twelve lessons. It is divided into two main sections: lessons 1 to 4 focus on discovering the meaning and values of peace, while lessons 5 to 12 cultivate qualities necessary for becoming peace-loving citizens.

Lessons 1 to 4 delve into topics such as the original state of all things in the universe, the harmony inherent in nature, the causes of the breakdown of peace in the human world, and the restoration of order and relationships in human society. These lessons encourage learners to explore the principles of peace found in nature, such as vitality, harmony, balance, cooperation, and coexistence, which are essential for humanity.

Lessons 5 to 12 cover themes like gratitude for received blessings, consideration for the welfare of others, selfless sacrifice, understanding and forgiveness towards others, respect for elders, efforts to preserve the heritage of ancestors, the spirit of upholding the law, and the fulfillment of humanity's ancient desire for peace. Through historical events and contemporary examples related to war and peace, these lessons aim to raise awareness of the preciousness of peace. Furthermore, they provide various methods for peacefully coexisting with others and resolving conflicts through peaceful means.

Image from HWPL Homepage

The effectiveness of HWPL Peace Education is evidenced by reports from over eighty countries where peace education has been implemented. According to these reports, peace education has contributed to emotional stability, increased self-esteem, improved interpersonal relationships, resolution of family issues, and reduction of school violence among individual students. Furthermore, the continued expansion of peace education is predicted to lead to a decrease in youth crime rates in local communities.

<Implementing HWPL Peace Education> 

The process of implementing peace education begins with a memorandum of understanding (MOU). Educational institutions seeking to implement peace education establish a cooperative relationship with HWPL through the signing of an MOU. Institutions that have signed the MOU can freely plan and conduct classes using HWPL Peace Education textbooks in regular classes, peace camps, short-term programs, and more.

Image from HWPL Homepage

Peace educators can participate in teacher networks to share teaching materials and outcomes, thereby enhancing their teaching practices. HWPL also invests efforts in training peace educators. Anyone, whether a current or former teacher or someone engaged in the field of education, can become a peace educator.

HWPL grants educational qualifications to individuals who have completed peace educator training. Those who actively conduct peace education thereafter are appointed as "HWPL Peace Educators." HWPL Peace Educators qualify to participate in international peace education workshops and conferences both online and offline.

By exploring HWPL Peace Education, individuals can not only gain insights into the essence of peace but also become catalysts for promoting peace in their communities and beyond. Let's embark on this journey together to awaken the spirit of love and peace within ourselves and contribute to building a world free from the scourge of war.

Image from HWPL Homepage

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