[HWPL Peace Education Textbook 6-3] Applying and Practicing Consideration

[HWPL Peace Education Textbook 6 Being Considerate of the Benefit of Others]

[6-2]  Applying and Practicing Consideration

Learning Objectives

1. Understand the concept and necessity of consideration.

2. Learn the benefits of consideration through examples.

3. Discover ways to practice consideration to achieve community peace.


Practicing Consideration

In a world dominated by materialism and selfishness, restoring the value of consideration is challenging. Instead of expecting consideration from others, we should first practice it ourselves. If everyone in a community learns and practices consideration, we can create a peaceful and beautiful society.


Think from Others' Perspectives

Consideration includes tolerance, understanding, and putting yourself in others' shoes. Being lenient with yourself while strict with others is self-centered. Consideration starts with the effort to understand others' perspectives. Expanding your awareness beyond your own situation to consider others involves asking questions like, "What state is the other person in?" "How would I feel in that situation?" "What might be difficult for them?"

Understanding others' positions, especially when we haven't experienced the same situations, can be difficult. True consideration involves interpreting others' goals and motivations. To practice consideration effectively, we need to listen to others fully and strive to empathize with them.

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Listen and Empathize

Psychologists say that empathy can bond people and create strong social commitment. Empathy is increasingly valued socially as it helps us understand and consider those around us. Without empathy, cooperation and help are unimaginable since cooperation and trust are based on empathy.

To develop empathy, focus on listening to others and understanding what they want, rather than analyzing or criticizing. Here are two ways to practice focused listening:

1. Observe and Reflect: Observe others' words and actions without judgment. Clearly and specifically describe what you see without evaluating whether you like it.

2. Express Feelings and Discover Emotions: Share how you feel when you hear others’ stories—sad, scared, happy, annoyed. Also, express what you think the other person feels and thinks. This process helps expand your understanding of their needs and positions.

Practicing these methods helps develop deep listening, respect, and empathy. Regular practice can lead to more sincere consideration in relationships.

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Focus on One Person at a Time

When considering others, always assume one-on-one interactions. Ethics defines consideration as a deeper and more specific moral feeling than benevolence or compassion. It involves engaging comprehensively with a specific person and their situation. Stanford University Professor Nel Noddings says that forming a "you and me" relationship is essential for true consideration, emphasizing personal and respectful interactions.

Even when aiming to consider a group, actual consideration must focus on each individual, thinking about the impacts on them personally. This approach applies even in negotiations with groups, where understanding each person's receptivity and psychological acceptance is crucial. Remember, consideration is about attention and care for the individual in front of you.

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1. How did you feel when judged by others? How did you feel when understood and empathized with by others?

2. Discuss the relationship between consideration and peace.

Exploring Consideration

Choose a friend and practice the following three steps:

1. Listen to their story without judgment.

2. Express your feelings and empathize with their emotions.

3. Show your understanding of their needs and positions.

Reflect on how your relationship changes and what you learn from this process, then share your experience.

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<Chapter 6 Conclusion: Being Considerate of the Benefit of Others>

Consideration involves caring for others, an act grounded in love. Everyone receives love from parents or others from birth, shaping their personality. Those who receive a lot of love tend to love themselves more and can mature by sharing that love and practicing consideration towards others.

A self-centered attitude promotes selfishness in society. Therefore, by learning and practicing consideration for others' benefit, we can qualify as citizens of peace. Creating a peaceful life involves sharing love, resolving conflicts with an open heart, and building a society where more people can live happily. This vision is a common dream for humanity. As the saying goes, “A dream you dream alone is only a dream. A dream you dream together is reality.” Our efforts to achieve this dream can be realized through practicing consideration.

Practicing consideration starts with understanding, empathy, and one-on-one interactions. By focusing on these principles, we can build a more peaceful and connected society. Let's all strive to be the change we want to see in the world.

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