Celebrate 10th Anniversary of 918 HWPL Peace WARP summit

Celebrate 10th Anniversary of 918 HWPL Peace WARP summit 

It already 10 years to do 918 HWPL Peace WARP summit. 
HWPL is shorten name of Heavenly Culture, World Peace, Restoration of Light. 
and they are working to urge the end of war, conflict, religious harmony, and the implementation of legal instruments to ensure lasting peace. 
From 2014, HWPL worked many things and a lot of celeb and countries joined the peace activity. 

Under the slogan, "Let's have everyone become a messenger of peace.", 
HWPL gathered many organization and people who love/ want the peace. 
at this time, HWPL held the 10th anniversary of HWPL peace WARP summit and many people are fulled the ground. 


  1. HWPL's dedication to promoting peace and harmony over the past decade is truly commendable. It's heartwarming to see so many people uniting under the powerful message of becoming "messengers of peace."

  2. I’m excited to see the HWPL 10th Anniversary of the World Peace Summit! It’s inspiring to witness efforts towards global peace and unity. Looking forward to the impactful discussions and collaborations that will emerge from this event!


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