[HWPL Peace Education Textbook 12-1] Achieving Peace: Courage is Needed

[HWPL Peace Education Textbook 12 Completion of Peace Humanity Has Long-awaited]

[12-1] Achieving Peace: Courage is Needed


Learning Objectives

1. Understand that courage is needed to achieve peace.

2. Recognize that a love for peace fuels courage.

3. Realize that each individual can be a key player in achieving peace and commit to participating in peace efforts.



“If I Have Courage First, I Can Work Towards Achieving Peace”

A Story of Dreams and Determination

There was a boy who lived with his family in a small, cramped room. Because the house was so tiny, his family sometimes had to live separately. The boy drew a beautiful house on a piece of paper where his family could live together happily. Even though he had to start working as a cleaner instead of going to college, he never forgot his dream of building a wonderful home for his family.

Life was tough, and working was hard, but he persevered, holding onto his dream. Eventually, he saved enough money to build that dream house, and his family lived happily together. Achieving peace is like this story. The process is challenging, but if we don't give up, we can make peace a reality.


Image from Pixabay

Courage is Essential for Achieving Peace

To achieve peace, we must overcome our fears and take action. Someone who can risk their own disadvantages to do what’s right for others shows true courage. True courage is using fear as energy to accomplish our goals. Achieving peace is a worthwhile goal for all humanity.

Example 1: The Courage of the Wildebeest Leaders

In the African savannah, animals begin a great migration when the dry season starts. Wildebeests, upon reaching a raging river full of crocodiles, hesitate. But a few brave ones in the front jump into the water. If the rest stayed behind, those who jumped in first would likely be sacrificed. However, the rest follow, and together they cross the river safely, escaping the dry season and the crocodiles.

Image from Pixabay

Example 2: Courageous Actions of Citizens

A small act of courage can lead to greater courage and even save lives. In August 2014, at a train station in Perth, Australia, a man got his leg stuck between a train and the platform. The train driver stopped the train, and staff tried to help. Then, countless passengers gathered, and together they pushed the train, creating a gap to free the man's leg. Their combined courage prevented a serious accident.

Image from Pixabay

Applying These Lessons to Achieving Peace

The stories of the wildebeest and the train passengers teach us about achieving peace. The process is not easy, and there are many obstacles. However, if we overcome challenges and choose to act courageously rather than stand by, the wave of peace will spread further and wider.

To achieve peace, we need to have courage. This courage comes from our love for peace and the determination to make it a reality. Each one of us can be a part of this mission. By overcoming our fears and taking action, we can contribute to a world where peace is not just a dream but a living reality. Let’s all be brave and work together to build a peaceful future for everyone.



1. Have you ever acted courageously for someone else? Share a story where you overcame a difficulty or made a change by being brave. Stories about courageous actions by people around you are also welcome.

2. Think about and discuss what would happen if war broke out in your country or region. How would you and your family be affected? What can you do to prevent war?


1 comment:

  1. HWPL Peace Education fosters citizens of peace with the value and spirit of peace. 367 schools in 82 countries are conducting Peace education with HWPL


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