Monday, July 29, 2024

[HWPL Peace Education Textbook 11-1] Law-Abiding Spirit: Basis of Law

[HWPL Peace Education Textbook 11 Law- Aviding Spirit and Law of Peace]

[11-1] Law-Abiding Spirit: Basis of Law

◆ Learning Objectives:

1. Understand the importance of the spirit of law-abiding through the necessity of laws.

2. Recognize that a peaceful character is essential for following the law.

3. Understand that binding laws for peace are necessary to achieve peace.

 For Everyone to Live Peacefully, It Requires the Spirit of Law-Abiding

*Spirit of Law-Abiding: The mindset of correctly and diligently following the law.

A Lesson from an African Tribe

An anthropologist studying an African tribe once held a race for the children. He said, "The first person to reach that tree will get a prize!" The prize was a basket of delicious treats the children had never tasted before. The anthropologist expected the children to compete fiercely to win. However, the children surprised him by holding hands and running together in a line. They all reached the finish line at the same time and shared the treats. When asked why they didn't try to win individually, the children answered in unison, "Ubuntu!"

*Ubuntu*: A traditional South African philosophy meaning "I am because we are." It signifies that one's happiness is interconnected with the happiness of others.

Image from Pixabay

Understanding Laws

Laws are rules that everyone in society must follow. They ensure safety and fairness. Without laws, powerful people might take advantage of weaker ones, causing social chaos. Laws protect everyone’s rights and help resolve disputes fairly, contributing to a just society. 

Various laws affect our daily lives, such as traffic laws to prevent accidents, environmental laws to protect nature, health laws for public well-being, and school health laws to ensure the safety of children.

Image from Pixabay

Do We Need Laws if We Live Alone?

If someone lives completely alone, they don’t need strict rules. But as soon as another person joins, rules become necessary to ensure mutual respect and harmony. 

In human history, when people transitioned from hunting and gathering to farming, they began to live in settled communities. This shift created surplus food, leading to the concept of private property. The desire to own property led to conflicts and disputes. To manage these conflicts and maintain a peaceful society, binding laws were established. 

*Law*: A promise for establishing order within a community, and the minimum standard of morality required for peaceful coexistence.

Image from Pixabay

The Role of Law

Laws help resolve conflicts between people and ensure a safe, peaceful life. They set the standards for punishing those who break them, maintaining social order.

Characteristics of Law

Laws are different from conscience, morals, or customs because they are enforceable. They are stronger than any other rules within a country and prevent actions that harm the public good.

The Spirit of Law-Abiding and Examples

Even if laws exist, they are useless if people don’t follow them. Thus, the true value of laws lies in compliance. To follow laws, we first need a spirit of law-abiding, which is based on the desire to live peacefully with others in a community.

<A Policeman Who Followed the Rules>

Once, the British Prime Minister Winston Churchill was in a car that was speeding. A traffic policeman stopped the car and fined the driver. When the driver mentioned that Churchill was in the car, the policeman replied, “Speeding is against the traffic laws. You must pay the fine.” Churchill was impressed by the policeman's adherence to duty. Later, Churchill recommended a promotion for the policeman, but the police chief declined, stating, “There is no rule for promoting someone for catching a speeding vehicle.” Although Churchill’s request was not fulfilled, he felt proud of the policeman's commitment to principles.

Image from Pixabay

By understanding and embracing the spirit of law-abiding, we contribute to a more peaceful and orderly society. Let's work together to follow the laws and promote peace!

◆ Reflection 

1. Why are laws necessary, and how are laws different from morals?

2. Find and present good examples of the spirit of law-abiding.

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