[HWPL Peace Education Textbook 7-2] Value of a Sacrifice and Example

[HWPL Peace Education Textbook 7 A Sacrifice Without Compensation]

[7-2]  Value of a Sacrifice and Example


Learning Objectives

1. Understand that sacrifice is a foundation for achieving peace.

2. Learn about the value of sacrifice through various examples and develop a mindset capable of practicing sacrifice.


Life and Peace Are Achieved Through Someone's Courageous Sacrifice

Sacrifice as the Foundation of Peace

Sacrifice, when carried out voluntarily, forms the bedrock of life and peace. It is essential to understand that genuine sacrifice should never be demanded from others, as involuntary sacrifice equates to another form of violence. True sacrifice must have a clear purpose and be worthwhile. Through examining real-life examples of those who practiced sacrifice, we can grasp the true meaning and value of this noble act.


Discovering Worthwhile Sacrifices

1. For a World That Respects Life

One of the most poignant examples of sacrifice is depicted in the movie "Schindler's List”, based on the true story of Oskar Schindler, a German businessman. During World War II, Schindler initially sought to amass wealth by exploiting Jewish prisoners as laborers. However, upon witnessing the brutal massacre of Jews, he was overwhelmed with guilt and compassion.

Schindler created a list, known as "Schindler's List," to save Jews from the gas chambers of Auschwitz by using his entire fortune to buy their freedom. He managed to save approximately 1,100 Jews, sheltering them until the war ended, ensuring their safety and freedom. Despite his efforts, Schindler remained tormented by the lives he couldn't save, embodying the belief that "He who saves one life saves the world entire." This story underscores the profound dignity of life and the value of selfless sacrifice.


2. For a World Free of Racial Discrimination

Desmond Tutu, born in 1931 in South Africa, dedicated his life to combating racial discrimination and promoting peace. Tutu aspired to be an educator but faced severe restrictions under South Africa's apartheid regime, which imposed racial segregation in all aspects of life, including education. Instead, he pursued a path in the clergy, becoming a vocal critic of apartheid.

Tutu's advocacy earned him the Nobel Peace Prize in 1984, though he still faced disenfranchisement. The landmark election in 1994, where all South Africans could vote, was a culmination of the sacrifices made by many, including Tutu, who suffered greatly for this cause. His efforts and the eventual election of Nelson Mandela as the first black president of South Africa marked the end of institutionalized racial discrimination.


Sacrifice as an Expression of Selfless Love

1. Overcoming Disability with Dedication

Anne Sullivan, known for her dedication to Helen Keller, embodies selfless love. Sullivan herself overcame immense hardships, including blindness and the loss of her family. Rescued by a nurse named Laura who showed her unwavering love and care, Sullivan eventually regained her sight and devoted her life to teaching Keller, who was deaf-blind. Sullivan's 48-year commitment to Keller's education transformed Keller into an icon of resilience and inspiration.


2. A King’s Love for His People

King Sejong the Great of Korea is celebrated for his profound love for his people, best exemplified by his creation of the Korean alphabet, Hangul. Despite opposition from his ministers, who believed that literacy should remain an exclusive privilege of the elite, Sejong persevered. He recognized that effective communication and literacy were essential for the well-being of his people. His dedication to this cause, even at the cost of his own health, has left an enduring legacy that continues to benefit Koreans today.

Image from Pixabay

Through understanding and practicing sacrifice, we can build a world rooted in peace and empathy. The stories of Oskar Schindler, Desmond Tutu, Anne Sullivan, and King Sejong serve as powerful reminders of the impact that one individual’s sacrifice can have on humanity. Let these examples inspire us to find meaningful causes in our own lives where we can make a difference through selfless acts.



1. Identify and discuss causes around you that are worth sacrificing for.

2. Research and share additional examples of sacrifice and dedication beyond the textbook.

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