[HWPL Peace Education Textbook 6-2] Benefits and Examples of Consideration

[HWPL Peace Education Textbook 6 Being Considerate of the Benefit of Others]

[6-2] Benefits and Examples of Consideration


Learning Objectives

1. Understand the concept and necessity of consideration.

2. Learn the benefits of consideration through examples.

3. Discover ways to practice consideration to achieve community peace.


How Consideration Affects Happiness and Health

Practicing consideration can lead to sustained happiness. Research by Professor Martin Seligman at the University of Pennsylvania found that acts of kindness leave a more lasting impression than enjoyable activities like watching a movie with friends or drinking hot chocolate.

For instance, a university student helped her third-grade niece with math homework and described her feelings afterward: "Throughout the day, I listened to others more kindly and felt more generous. I felt like people liked me more than usual."

Acts of consideration provide a different kind of joy than pleasure, offering a lasting sense of fulfillment. A student who enrolled in the University of Pennsylvania’s business school to learn how to make more money ultimately realized that helping others brought more happiness than shopping ever could.

Image from Pixabay

Consideration not only brings lasting happiness but also has positive physical effects. Research from the University of Michigan’s psychology department found that over 70% of elderly couples in Baltimore who lived long lives regularly helped others without expecting anything in return. Other studies show that considerate actions boost the immune system, lower blood pressure and cholesterol levels, and increase endorphin levels by more than three times, enhancing overall vitality.


Consideration Inspires Others

1. "I Can Only Hug One Person at a Time"

 After Mother Teresa passed away, many writers celebrated her noble life. One editorial described an Ivy League auditorium packed with students eager to hear her speak. Despite many famous speakers before her, none had filled the auditorium to standing room only like she did.

Students gathered out of respect and admiration for this small, elderly nun who had no great wealth or impressive titles. Mother Teresa didn’t create world-feeding programs or found the United Nations. She simply showed interest and care for each person she met, dedicating her love and attention to them.

What she demonstrated to the world was the highest form of consideration, which we can see in everyday life. She showed love and care to every individual she met, and this love ultimately moved the entire world.

Image from Pixabay

2. Your Milk is Paid for

In 1880, Howard Kelly, a student selling goods door-to-door to pay for his education, hadn't sold anything all day and had just a coin left. Hungry, he knocked on a door to ask for food. A girl answered, and Kelly asked for a glass of water. She brought him a glass of milk instead, sensing his hunger. Kelly drank it and asked,

   "How much do I owe you?"

   The girl replied,

   "My mother taught us never to accept money for kindness."

Kelly never forgot this act of kindness and studied hard to become a famous obstetrician. Years later, Dr. Howard Kelly encountered a woman with a rare disease— the same girl who had given him milk. He recognized her and devotedly treated her until she was cured. When she worried about the cost, her bill stated,

   "Paid in full with one glass of milk."

Howard Kelly was a co-founder of Johns Hopkins Hospital, one of the world's leading hospitals. This story of a small act of kindness creating a miracle has touched people worldwide.

Image from Pixabay


1. Share a story or example of consideration that you know about.

2. Have you ever given small help to someone? How did that experience affect you?

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