Friday, June 7, 2024

[HWPL Peace Education Textbook 5-3] Applying and Practicing Gratitude

[HWPL Peace Education Textbook 5: Being Grateful for Kindness and Grace]

[5-3] Applying and Practicing Gratitude


Learning Objectives

1. Understand that gratitude begins with remembering the blessings we receive.

2. Understand the benefits and advantages of practicing gratitude.

3. Learn specific ways to practice gratitude.


Writing down your gratitude helps you remember it longer!


How Can We Train Ourselves to Be Grateful?

Gratitude is a habit. By practicing and training, we can develop the habit of being grateful. Start by expanding the range and objects of your gratitude. Look for things to be thankful for, even in areas you might not have considered before.

Next, record and remember your gratitude. Keeping a gratitude journal is a common and effective way to do this. While personal gratitude journals are useful, writing gratitude letters or notes can be effective in building relationships. Above all, being thankful for your very existence is the foundation of gratitude.


1. Expand Your Scope of Gratitude: What Are You Thankful For?

To practice gratitude, first examine the areas and objects of your life. As you look at each area and find things to be thankful for, you'll discover many big and small reasons for gratitude. Reflect on the following questions to expand your gratitude:

- What am I thankful for in my emotions and physical health?

- What am I grateful for at school or work?

- What in nature am I thankful for?

- What about my past, present, and future self am I grateful for?

- What am I thankful for in my family and friends?

- What am I grateful for in my teachers?

Write down each area and person you're thankful for, and then specifically express your gratitude: "I am thankful to ___ because ___." This practice helps broaden your perspective and change your thinking, laying the groundwork for various gratitude practices.

Image from Pixabay

2. Record and Remember Your Gratitude

Recording helps you remember. Without recording your gratitude, you may soon forget it. However, if you keep a gratitude journal, your thankfulness becomes lasting.

When writing in a gratitude journal, avoid just listing events. Instead, describe why and how you are grateful. This detailed approach is more effective and invokes positive feelings.

Image from Pixabay

3. Express and Share Your Gratitude

Actively express gratitude through letters, notes, or verbal appreciation. This helps you realize the value of others and strengthens relationships. Expressing gratitude also fosters warmth and happiness among people.

How can you express and share your gratitude? Say thank you to friends and family daily. Write a gratitude letter or note to at least one person each week. Use "thanks to" rather than "because of" to express your gratitude more effectively. Even small, everyday expressions of gratitude can be meaningful.

Image from Pixabay

4. Be Grateful for Experiences and Existence, Not Just Possessions

Thomas Gilovich, a professor of psychology at Cornell University, stated, "People work hard to get something great. But once they have it, they often don't enjoy it for long. This is the negative side of habit." This means that gratitude centered on possessions or achievements has a short shelf life.

People feel temporary satisfaction from purchasing items. But when newer or better things come out, or when they compare their belongings to others', their initial happiness fades. This leads to dissatisfaction.

To sustain gratitude, focus on experiences and existence. Be thankful for the moment you are living, for being with loved ones, and for new challenges. Appreciate your beautiful memories and experiences.

Image from Pixabay

◆ Reflection

1. Keep a gratitude journal for a week and share how it changed your mindset.

2. Send gratitude letters or notes to family, friends, and teachers, and see if you receive any responses.


<Chapter 5 Conclusion: Gratitude for Received Blessings>

Gratitude is an essential quality for a peaceful citizen. Those who cultivate the habit of gratitude maintain inner peace and foster harmonious relationships.

When do we feel grateful? When we recognize the blessings we've received. We have benefited greatly from nature, people, and society. Simply existing and having life is a profound blessing from our parents. By letting go of negative biases, greed, and entitlement, and choosing gratitude, we can reap its valuable benefits.

Gratitude requires practice and expression. Sharing gratitude spreads its positive power to the world. This is how we create a peaceful world and, most importantly, become peace ourselves.


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