Monday, May 27, 2024

[HWPL Peace Education Textbook 4-3] How to Achieve World Peace: Methods for Establishing Peace in the Human World

[HWPL Peace Education Textbook 4: The Restoration of Order and Relations in the Human World]

[4-3] How to Achieve World Peace: Methods for Establishing Peace in the Human World


Learning Objectives

1. Understand that there is order in nature.

2. Understand the importance of order in the human world.

3. Realize that true peace begins with individuals and is achieved when global order is restored.


The Answer to Peace: Restoring Order in the Human World with ‘Heavenly Culture’

How Can We Achieve Peace?

Since the beginning of recorded history, only 268 years out of approximately 3,400 years have been peaceful, which is about 8% of the time. However, considering unrecorded events, it is safe to say that war has been a constant in human history. Even after World War II, numerous wars have continued, displacing over 71.4 million people (according to UNHCR).

Even now, countless young people lose their lives on battlefields, never having the chance to fully bloom. Human life cannot be compensated with any material or money because once a life is lost, it cannot be restored. No matter how wealthy one is, if they lose their life tonight, it holds no value. The most precious thing to a person is their life. If we value our lives, we should value others' lives as well, and thus peace must be achieved and wars must end. So, how can we achieve peace? What are the methods to achieve it?

The Solution to Peace: Restoring Order in the Human World with ‘Heavenly Culture’

The answer to peace is restoring order in the human world. But which country's or culture's order should be the standard? Every country values its unique culture, but history shows that no single nation’s culture has achieved world peace. Great powers like England and Spain once ruled others with their cultures but failed to achieve peace.

So, what culture do we need? It is the ‘Heavenly Culture.’ Heavenly Culture is a high-level culture, that is culture of life, that transcends religion, ideology, ethnicity, and national boundaries, promoting coexistence and development in the international community based on the orderly and harmonious nature of the universe. The natural world thrives on diversity and harmony. By restoring order in the human world with Heavenly Culture, we can achieve peace.

The Process of Restoring Order in the Human World

When the seeds of peace are sown, they grow into trees of peace and bear fruits of peace. These fruits contain more seeds, spreading peace further. This is how peace grows. Conversely, if seeds of conflict are sown, they grow into trees of conflict and bear fruits of conflict. Just as an apple tree cannot bear grapes, a place sown with conflict cannot yield peace. Therefore, to achieve peace, we must sow the seeds of peace.

The seeds of peace are peaceful character, which is fundamentally rooted in love. The upcoming lessons from Unit 5 to Unit 12 will focus on peaceful character, which we must cultivate. Peaceful character, rooted in love, manifests as gratitude for received grace, consideration for others’ well-being, selfless sacrifice, tolerance and forgiveness, respect for elders, efforts to preserve ancestral heritage, and adherence to the law. Those with peaceful character are internally transformed by Heavenly Culture. This is the spirit of overcoming evil with good and conquering human greed. 

Who Are Peace Citizens? 

Peace citizens are individuals transformed internally by peaceful character. They possess the ability to resolve all issues peacefully. Peace citizens urge leaders of nations to engage in dialogue and promote peace to end wars and conflicts. Leaders, if they love their country and people, must heed the people's call for peace. Peace citizens do not sit and wait for peace; they actively strive to realize it. They become ambassadors of peace, spreading the culture of peace within their countries and communities, and educating future generations about the spirit of peace.

Can Peace Truly Be Achieved?

Can we achieve world peace, which has never been accomplished in human history? While there are a few who do not desire peace and are busy pursuing their interests, the majority yearn for peace. These few, when in power, often instigate wars under the guise of national interest, sending countless patriotic youths to battlefields. Those who oppose war and advocate for peace are sometimes branded as unpatriotic.

Is it true patriotism to let numerous young people die in wars for unknown reasons? Wars cost young people their lives and health, plunging their families into grief. Who benefits from war? They say there are no winners in war. If one loses their life, wealth and abilities mean nothing.

Some might think war doesn’t concern them, but today, there are thousands of nuclear weapons capable of destroying our planet multiple times. These weapons were created to attack people or targets. If we naively believe that nuclear weapons will never be used, we won’t be able to prevent nuclear war. As experienced in World War II, a third world war could annihilate the human world in an instant. Peace is not an option but a necessity for ourselves and future generations. Peace is not someone else's concern; it is ours.

If you ask anyone, "Do you want war or peace?" everyone will answer peace. No one wants themselves or their families to suffer in war. Since everyone desires peace, it is not impossible to achieve.


1. Debate whether we can achieve peace in our generation and pass it on to future generations, or if peace is an unattainable goal.

2. Discuss who desires peace and who does not, and present your opinions.

3. We have a duty to make this world more beautiful and wonderful. Think about what you can do as a peace citizen, and discuss your role and commitments.


<Chapter 4 Conclusion: Restoring Order and Relationships in the Human World>

To achieve peace, we must restore order in the human world. No country’s power or culture alone has achieved peace, and ongoing wars and conflicts prove this. So, what is the solution? Restoring order in the human world with Heavenly Culture. Heavenly Culture reflects the harmonious nature of the universe, teaching humanity the order of all things. Trying to solve issues with brute force and without order or law, like "might makes right," cannot bring peace.

The process of achieving peace begins with planting the seeds of peace in individuals’ hearts. These seeds of peace are characterized by love-based peaceful character. People transformed by peaceful character are called peace citizens. When peace citizens unite, they can advocate for peace and coexistence in both national and international communities, transforming the human world into a world of peace. Peace education, which plants seeds of peace and nurtures peace citizens, is crucial. It is one of the practical methods for achieving world peace.

While some might not recognize the importance of peace, no one opposes it. Thus, peace can and will be achieved. When will peace be achieved? Right now. We must end wars and achieve peace in our time. We must not pass down the legacy of war to future generations. Achieving peace and leaving it as an eternal heritage to future generations is the most precious and valuable task we can undertake.

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