Wednesday, May 8, 2024

[HWPL Peace Education Textbook 2-3] My Role and Duty | Why is Harmony Found in All Things?

[HWPL Peace Education Textbook Chapter 2] A Reason for All Creation Living in Harmony

[2-3] My Role and Duty | Why is Harmony Found in All Things?

Learning Objectives:

1. Understand the reasons for the harmony of natural elements.

2. Gain insight into one's own value, influence, roles, and responsibilities.


All things perform their roles and functions, leading to harmony

The third reason for the harmony of natural elements is that each performs its unique role and faithfully carries out its function. The ozone layer blocks ultraviolet rays, microorganisms decompose organic matter, and chlorophyll synthesizes nutrients through photosynthesis. By fulfilling their roles and functions, natural elements create an environment where living organisms can coexist.

The Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill and Oil-Eating Bacteria

On April 20, 2010, approximately 4.9 million gallons (77.86 million liters) of oil leaked into the Gulf of Mexico due to an explosion on the Deepwater Horizon oil rig, which was drilling for oil. Oil is lighter than water, so it forms an oil slick on the surface of the sea. As a result, the amount of dissolved oxygen in the water decreases, and sunlight penetration also decreases. This has a fatal adverse effect on marine life survival.

Gulf of Mexico (Image from Getty Image)

Many experts predicted that most marine life in the Gulf of Mexico would die or become extinct, fishing would cease, and the Gulf would become a dead sea for decades. However, contrary to expectations, the Gulf of Mexico is recovering rapidly.

During the initial oil spill, various methods were used to remove the oil. Fires were set on the sea to burn the oil slick, and large amounts of dispersants were used to dilute the oil concentration. Advanced equipment such as oil removal ships and deep-sea robots were also deployed.

However, there came a desperate moment when the amount of spilled oil was so huge that it seemed impossible to clean up by human efforts alone. At that time, a surprising discovery was made: more oil was disappearing on its own than humans were removing.

According to an article published in Science in April 2015, amazingly, about 90 species of oil-eating bacteria were rapidly proliferating and decomposing the spilled oil. Despite expectations of complete destruction of marine and coastal ecosystems, there was almost no change in the population of marine organisms such as blue crabs, shrimp, and killifish. Even thousands of pelicans that died in the early stages of the oil spill had almost recovered.

Nature is capable of recovering itself by performing its roles and functions. Of course, it may not be intentional or deliberate to perform roles and duties with intelligence. However, it is a fact that such events occur either intentionally or naturally.

Oil Spill at the Gulf of Mexico (Image from Getty Image)

The Structure of the Human Body Fulfills Its Functions

The human body can be divided into the head, which includes the brain, neck, the trunk, which includes the torso, and the limbs, which include two arms and legs. There are approximately 210 types of cells in the human body, estimated to number around 30 to 100 trillion. A newborn baby has about 270 bones, which fuse together as they grow, and an adult generally has 206 bones.

There is no difference in the number of bones between males and females. Inside the skin, there are tendons, blood vessels, muscles, and other structures. Inside the body, there are organs such as the heart, liver, stomach, lungs, pancreas, and kidneys. The head contains the eyes, nose, mouth, ears, and other sensory organs. In addition to these, there are numerous other elements that make up the human body.

Some of these components may seem less important when viewed separately. However, all components of the human body are responsible for essential functions necessary for sustaining life. The liver produces digestive enzymes and detoxifies waste through the gallbladder. The lungs absorb oxygen and expel carbon dioxide, facilitating respiration.

The heart acts as a pump, circulating blood throughout the body. If any of the organs fail to perform its function properly, it can cause significant disruptions in daily life, and even lead to death. Because all organs faithfully fulfill their respective functions, we can sustain life.


Comparing Synergy Effect and Ringelmann Effect

The synergy effect refers to the phenomenon where two or more entities collaborating produce results greater than the sum of their individual contributions. Examples include orchestras creating majestic music with various instruments, and smartphones allowing instant photo sharing on social media by combining camera functionality.

Image from Pixabay

In contrast, the Ringelmann effect refers to the phenomenon where the individual contribution per person decreases as the number of people participating in a group increases. For example, in a tug-of-war experiment, assuming one person's strength as 100, when two people participate, they exert 93%, when three people participate, they exert 85%, and when eight people participate, they exert only about 64% of the strength.

Image from Pixabay

If individuals fail to fulfill their duties within a community and instead remain idle, the Ringelmann effect occurs. This weakens the cohesion of the community and undermines trust. However, when individuals fulfill their duties, the synergy effect occurs, expanding individual value and influence far beyond what can be achieved alone. Stronger cohesion and trust are built, creating a peaceful community where respect and harmony prevail.

Image from Pixabay

So, how can I fulfill my duties? To fulfill my duties, I need to recognize my role. Knowing my role means understanding the influence I have and recognizing my value. Therefore, my value, influence, role, and duty are interconnected concepts.

For example, to fulfill the duty of a teacher, one must have a perception of the role as "someone who teaches students and guides them on the right path." In order for a teacher to fulfill their role, they think about the influence they can have on their students. And students also consider how much they will be influenced by the teacher's words and actions. Ultimately, understanding the value of the teacher's existence allows them to exert influence, fulfill their role, and duty as a "true teacher."



 Let's write down our roles and responsibilities at home and school, and what needs to be done according to those roles. Then, let's think about the differences between when we perform our roles well and when we don't, and present our findings.

 To perform my role well, I need good habits. Let's choose one good habit we want to develop and one bad habit we want to get rid of. Then, let's create a daily checklist to consistently monitor our progress.

Chapter 2 ‘The Harmony of All Things’ Conclusion:

In Chapter 1, we explored the diversity, harmony, cooperation, and coexistence of natural elements. Just as natural elements harmonize, human society also needs to recognize biological and cultural diversity and move towards cooperation and coexistence to achieve world peace.

In Chapter 2, we analyzed the mechanism by which all things achieve harmony. The first reason for the harmony of natural elements is that each has its own intrinsic value. The second is that they influence each other and fulfill needs. The third is that each performs its unique role and faithfully carries out its function.

We summarized these concepts into the terms "my value," "my influence," "my role and duty." If everyone discovers their own value, exerts positive influence on others, and faithfully fulfills their role and duty, the world will undoubtedly become a peaceful place.

Chapter 3 will explain this state of achieving peace with the word "order." Let's explore the relationship between order and peace, why order is important, and what the fundamental causes of the broken order in the human world are, and where the points of broken order are. We will also examine what mindset is necessary for the restoration of order in the human world.


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