Towards Lasting Peace: Reflections from HWPL's DPCW 7th Anniversary Commemorative Event

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In March 2023, simultaneous commemorative events were held around the world, including in Seoul, to discuss concrete and feasible measures for achieving and sustaining world peace. Hosted by HWPL, the "7th Annual Commemoration of the Declaration of Peace and Cessation of War" provided a platform for addressing the pressing need for peace, drawing insights from individuals like Lee Man-hee, the chairman of HWPL and a witness to the horrors of war as a Korean War veteran.

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Chairman Lee Man-hee emphasized that everyone desires peace, yet the world continues to grapple with the paradox of persistent conflict. He underscored the collective effort required to achieve a peaceful world and shared his fervent desire to pass on peace to future generations. Chairman Lee recounted his firsthand experiences of war and stressed the necessity of ending wars and establishing peace as an everlasting legacy for posterity.

Chairman Lee highlighted the crucial role of love and unity, stating that peace cannot be achieved alone but requires collective action and mutual love. Lee also criticized the inadequacy of current international laws in preventing wars and advocated for the adoption of the DPCW, designed to establish a new legal framework conducive to peace. Also, he emphasized that peace must begin at home and be nurtured through education in schools and families. He urged global cooperation in promoting peace and called upon individuals to become ambassadors of peace in their communities.

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<Full Version of Chairman Lee Man-hee’s Commemoration Speech>

Greetings, everyone.

I extend my sincere gratitude to all of you for attending the 7th-anniversary commemorative event for the establishment of international law. By deliberating on and discussing peace today, I hope that we can expedite the realization of a peaceful world. Recently, someone traveled around the globe advocating for peace. Our collective efforts in promoting peace will surely bear fruit, and I believe in that outcome.

Wouldn't it be wonderful if every nation transformed into peaceful realms devoid of sin, disputes, and conflicts? That's my fervent belief. For millennia, our world has endured numerous wars and suffering. Many ponder why the Creator subjected humanity and all creation to such anguish. I, too, once questioned this, but through my journey in the realm of religion, I've come to realize much.

The realization of peace or the occurrence of war in our world ultimately stems from someone's actions. This person traveled the globe for thirty-two years and encountered no one who despised peace. Everyone yearned for peace. Yet, desiring peace alone does not automatically materialize it, does it? Since no one dislikes peace, it's incumbent upon us to strive collectively to achieve a world of peace.

Mere words, whether uttered by the heavens or the earth, do not magically bring about peace. True peace is realized when every individual desires it and actively works towards it. This individual holds steadfast to this belief.

I believe that peace originates within the confines of our homes. Proper education within families and schools is imperative for nurturing peace. If peace is ingrained within us to the point of becoming second nature, we can progress towards a peaceful existence. However, if our actions breed unrest and conflict, peace will remain elusive.

Although our world may seem steeped in sin and conflict, true peace does not entail such discord. Peace cannot be achieved through the actions of a solitary individual. Only when humanity unites in peace and lives harmoniously as one entity will wars and conflicts cease to exist.

Don't you agree? Indeed, we must foster love for one another. As stated in religious scriptures, "Love your neighbor as yourself." If we truly embody this teaching and reciprocate love, wars will cease to exist. Let us all strive to live not as individuals but as one entity.

Today, we are joined by members of the HWPL International Law Peace Committee. Why do we seek to establish international law for peace? If current international laws were flawless, would there be a need for new legislation? I've heard that the United Nations was established with the goal of maintaining peace. How wonderful would it be to have a world devoid of war?

However, current international laws have failed to achieve this. One of the permanent members of the UN Security Council, Russia, initiated war in Ukraine. Isn't it troubling that a permanent member of the Security Council, namely Russia, incited war? Given the severity of this situation, isn't it necessary to enact new measures?

Hence, the International Law Peace Committee has drafted the Declaration of Peace and Cessation of War (DPCW) Article 10, Clause 38. This declaration was crafted to eradicate war and prevent its recurrence worldwide. Now that we've formulated this declaration, it's imperative that we put it into practice, isn't it?

Should we simply create the DPCW and leave it at that? No, we must disseminate it globally, compare it with existing laws, and implement the superior option. This doesn't just apply to others; it applies to those who drafted the declaration as well. Therefore, we must thoroughly review it and submit it to the UN for approval. What will the UN do then? It will likely conduct a vote. If the vote passes, it will be implemented. That's right.

Peace cannot be achieved through the thoughts of one individual alone. We must strive to improve upon what is flawed. The new law we are creating is the Peace Accord to End Wars. When wars occur, it is the young who bear the brunt of the consequences. Why must this be?

This individual also served as a frontline combatant in our nation's tragic war. They are intimately familiar with the perils of war. When engaging in war, both ally and enemy artillery rain down upon you. No one survives unscathed. It's a contest of concentrated firepower. In such circumstances, survival is paramount. You're not fighting the enemy; you're fighting the artillery shells.

How can anyone survive when even a single shell can be lethal? This person didn't experience this just once or twice; they experienced it multiple times as a frontline soldier. If you retreat, who will provide food for you? If you advance, who will follow you with provisions? More often than not, starvation claims more lives. That's what war is.

How many young lives were sacrificed needlessly, driving them away from their homes? If you venture to the North, this person once held an event at Busan UN Memorial Park in our country. They asked, "Do you see those lying there? Those who fought on the front lines of war are sleeping there. Ask them what war is like." That's why they held the event there.

Of course, nations engage in war to protect their sovereignty and people. But must every conflict be resolved through war? Shouldn't we seek resolution through dialogue, hence the existence of international law? There are laws for one's own country, but there are also international laws. We must strive for resolution through dialogue rather than sending our young to die in conflict zones while we remain safe.

Therefore, we must end global wars and pass on peace to future generations. Who will do this? It is us, here today. Let us all become ambassadors of peace and create a world of peace. What could be a greater act of love for our children? Passing on peace to them would be true love. Let us make it so.

Let us ensure that the establishment of international law is recognized by all. Let our International Law Peace Committee members review this and present it to the UN for adoption. I believe that it will be implemented in the future.

Let us make it so.

Thank you, everyone.

1 comment:

  1. “If any heads of state refuse to sign this Declaration, they will be branded as heads of state who hate peace and want war. Their descendants will criticize such action, which will be recorded in history.” Chairman Lee


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