Planting a Seed for Peace through Education Across Africa and the Pacific

Amidst the relentless wars and conflicts raging across the globe, from the Russia-Ukraine war to the Israel-Palestine Hamas conflict, efforts to achieve peace through education are underway in regions of Africa and Pacific island nations. Particularly in Mali and Mozambique in Africa, as well as the Federated States of Micronesia in the Pacific, educators exposed to HWPL Peace Education are demonstrating a proactive stance towards achieving peace. These educators emphasize the necessity of HWPL Peace Education, stating that it helps individuals realize the precious value of peace.

Image from Cheonji Ilbo

Mali: Educating for Peace, Even Among Inmates

Mali, situated in West Africa, has long endured internal armed conflicts. Its citizens, weary from over a decade of war, earnestly seek solutions to end conflicts and achieve peace. Local figures who participated in HWPL’s peace educator training emphasize that peace education can not only change the mindset of Mali's citizens and civil society but also prevent terrorism outbreaks occurring throughout Mali.


The initiative for HWPL Peace Education in Mali began with an MOU signed between HWPL and the Deputy Dean of ESC Mali Business School in 2019. Following the MOU, peace educator training program and peace education were conducted, even within the Bolé Women's Prison. Inmates participated in the first lesson of peace education, themed "The True Nature of Heaven and Earth," focusing on love and diversity. Through HWPL Peace Education, inmates learned how to build peaceful relationships within society. One inmate expressed newfound understanding that diversity encompasses greater value, realizing that Mali, being a nation composed of diverse cultures, can learn from one another. One inmate, after understanding the greater value of diversity through the education, expressed that Mali can benefit from its diverse culture as it helps people to learn from one another.

Image from Cheonji Ilbo

Mozambique: Empathy for Peace Education Among Teachers 

In Mozambique, situated in the southeastern part of the African continent, HWPL Peace Education is also making strides. The Mozambique Institute of Teacher Training (IFP), which prepares teachers dispatched nationwide to teach in schools, received support from HWPL to conduct peace teacher training. Teachers who participated in the training expressed the necessity of peace education to improve Mozambique's political situation and address the difficulties faced by its citizens. With various ethnic groups residing in Mozambique, each with different political inclinations, tensions run high, and there is a lack of tolerance. Teachers feel an urgent need to teach love and tolerance to students, placing their hopes on HWPL Peace Education.

Image from Cheonji Ilbo

Micronesia: Educators Enlightened by Peace

In the Federated States of Micronesia, comprised of over 2,100 islands in the western Pacific Ocean, HWPL Peace Education is also underway. HWPL dispatched peace education officials to Pohnpei State, the capital state, where they conducted meetings with the national education department and state education authorities.

Following a local meeting between HWPL and the Minister of Education of Pohnpei State in February 2020, three schools in Pohnpei State implemented HWPL Peace Education as a pilot project. In July 2021, online peace teacher training was conducted. Additionally, from March to May 2023, peace education materials were introduced on Pohnpei Island's radio. Teachers who underwent peace education realized the value of peace through the stories of conflict-ridden countries. They expressed gratitude for living in a peaceful country and aspire to convey gratitude for peace to their students.

Image from Cheonji Ilbo

Spreading Peace through Education

Despite facing different environments and circumstances, each country realizes the value of peace through HWPL Peace Education. Individuals exposed to peace education recognize the importance of spreading peace and actively engage in HWPL Peace Education. By instilling the values of peace in more individuals through peace education, their changed perspectives will play a significant role in achieving peace. The transformative power of peace education cannot be overstated. As individuals across various regions embrace the values of peace, their collective efforts will undoubtedly pave the way for a more peaceful world.

Image from Cheonji Ilbo

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