Tuesday, March 26, 2024

Discovering Peace: Transforming Education in Croatia

Nestled amidst picturesque landscapes, boasting stunning natural beauty, architectural splendors, and a plethora of UNESCO World Heritage Sites, Croatia stands as a gem in Eastern Europe. Despite a history marred by the turmoil of the 1990s Yugoslav Wars, claiming over 10,000 lives. One of the ways to put an end to wars erupting across the globe and even preempt potential conflicts is by imparting lessons of peace to the future generation, the students. Recognizing the significance of peace education through HWPL, educators in Croatia have integrated peace education into school curricula, teaching children the essence of peace. A new breeze of peace is sweeping across this land, courtesy of HWPL Peace Education.

Nurturing Dreams of Teaching Peace

Though a small school with just 170 students, Ante Starčević Elementary School boasts a rich history spanning 190 years, significant enough to be recorded by UNESCO. As a witness to Croatia's tumultuous past, including wars, the school now endeavors to foster dreams of peace among its students.

A phone call to the school triggered Jelica Gospočić, an English teacher at Ante Starčević Elementary School, to start her journey into HWPL’s peace education. Participating in the workshops conducted by HWPL educators through Zoom, she successfully complete the online peace education courses.  As someone who experienced war firsthand and now as an educator, Jelica holds a unique perspective on peace education. She believes that respect and understanding among people can prevent wars, emphasizing the importance of mutual respect in fostering better individuals.

After completing the HWPL Peace Educator Training Course, Jelica testified that she wants to change the culture of education by teaching children to live peacefully, to be kind to each other, and to respect one another. She firmly believes that these are the essence of humanity which can lead the world to peace.”


Image from HWPL Instagram

Echoes of "War Prohibition"

HWPL’s Peace Education also made influence over students. Students not only grasp the value of peace but also understand the importance of safeguarding it by participating in HWPL Peace Education at Ante Starčević Elementary School. Reflecting on her experience, Leona Jemrić expressed, "I feel really good. I learned that we should love everyone regardless of their culture or religion." Petra Barabaš added, "I learned that living peacefully is possible." While opinions varied among students, all acknowledged the significance of peace. Some, like Lucija Ljajić, firmly declared, "Weapons and war are bad and should be prohibited."

Similarly, at Hugo Badalić Elementary School, students engaged in activities related to peace, organizing exhibitions to raise awareness among people. Maria Janković, a teacher at the school, reminisced about the joyous memories shared during the exhibition preparation and the profound impact it had on students and visitors alike.

Image from Cheonji Ilbo

Through HWPL Peace Education, Croatia's schools are not just imparting knowledge but nurturing a generation that values and cherishes peace. As students like Leona emphasized, peace matters not only to adults but to children as well, making classrooms brighter and better when devoid of strife. In a world marred by conflicts, Croatia's endeavors in peace education is illuminating a path toward a harmonious future, a step toward peace, one classroom at a time.

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