Fostering Peace in Malaysia: HWPL Peace Education Initiative in Sabah

Malaysia, with its population of 34 million, is a nation known for its diverse ethnicities, religions, cultures, traditional attire, and cuisines. Divided into West Malaysia and East Malaysia, the country embraces multiculturalism and harmonious coexistence. However, there are segments of society, particularly in regions like Sabah, who do not receive the same national benefits, leading to statelessness among many children despite being born in Malaysia.


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The Beginning of HWPL Peace Education in Sabah

In the heart of this disparity lies the HWPL Peace Education initiative, particularly impactful in Sabah, East Malaysia. HWPL's Peace Education have initiated a positive change in Sabah's educational landscape. The journey commenced when Marilou Salitart, the founder of an alternative school called "Steps Towards Hope" in Sabah, crossed paths with HWPL. Recognized for her warmth and love towards stateless children in Sabah, Marilou expressed eagerness to collaborate with HWPL after being introduced to its Peace Education program and Chairman Manhee Lee's sincere heart for peace. 

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Implementation of Peace Education in Sabah

Marilou envisioned replacing the school's conventional moral education with peace education. To realize this, Marilou put into action right away and underwent training sessions for teachers enabling them to incorporate peace education into their curriculum effectively. 8 teachers completed the training program over 4 months and became peace teachers. Subsequently, school organized peace education sessions peace camps for students. The peace education curriculum covered diverse themes such as diversity, harmony, cooperation, gratitude, and the principles of peace. Students and teachers alike enjoyed and benefited from the interactive sessions.

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Reactions from participants of peace program and its Impact

Students exhibited increased empathy, teamwork, and respect towards others. They also gained awareness of global conflicts and HWPL's mission for sustainable peace. Some students even expressed hope that there would be opportunities for other students to gain valuable lessons from the peace camp, creating a world where everyone can enjoy better peace than now. Teachers praised the program for its effectiveness in instilling peaceful values among students and enhancing their confidence in teaching peace. A teacher from participated in the program mentioned that peace education should continue and spread even more, not limited to specific schools. Both students and teachers expressed how amazing these programs are for them. Emphasizing the overall success of the program, teachers stated that they gained confidence in teaching peace to students.

Image from HWPL Malaysia Facebook

Progress of HWPL in Malaysia

Currently, six schools in Malaysia, including five public schools and one kindergarten, have signed MOUs with HWPL for peace education initiatives. HWPL's Peace Education initiative in Sabah, Malaysia, is illuminating the path towards a more inclusive and harmonious society. By nurturing the minds of young learners with the values of peace and cooperation, the program paves the way for a brighter future, where every child can thrive regardless of their background or nationality.


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