HWPL Peace Project in Mindanao, Philippines - Practicing Principles of DPCW

Mindanao is an island in the Philippines located about 700kms from Manila. It is an island where military collision between the Philippine government and Moro group, the Muslim-majority ethnolinguistic Austronesian groups of Mindanao, lasted more than 40 years. This military collision brought the over 120,000 casualties.

Peaceful settlement in Mindanao seemed almost impossible. However, miracle happened. On January 24th 2014, a civilian agreement was signed between the Philippine government and Moro group. It was Chairman of HWPL, Manhee Lee who played the leading role in this settlement. During his visit to the Mindanao, Chairman Lee gave a speech in front of the university students, youth group, mayor, professors, and Catholic and Muslim leaders. He asked a simple questions to the participants. “Do you want war or do you want peace?” “Peace” was what everyone replied back to his question. Right after hearing the answer, Chairman requested the leaders of both side to sign the peace agreement and this is how Mindanao Peace Agreement was made.

This agreement is just a starting point of peace wave in Mindanao. Up until today peace initiatives are taking place in Philippine. HWPL named this as Peace Projects in Mindanao, Philippines. The main goal of this project is to raise public awareness of peace throughout Philippines and even for the global society. Actually, the principles of ‘Declaration of Peace and Cessation of War (DPCW)’ is actively being practiced in this island, showing that DPCW is the key to realizing sustainable peace.

Currently, many peace activities are carried out in Philippines. Young generations are educated to become “peace messengers” through peace education. Youth and women are participating in peace walk May 25th of every year. Even religious leaders are taking a part in peace work through interfaith discussion at the World Alliance of Religions’ Peace Office (WARP Office). Every sector of civil society are actively participating in the HWPL’s peace work to strengthen the value of peace. What HWPL is doing through this project is establishing the culture and value of peace.


Here are HWPL’s peace initiatives in Mindanao:

-      Mindanao Peace Agreement

-      Establishment of HWPL Peace day: January 24th

-      Erecting Peace Monument & Exhibition Hall

-      Peace education to all school ages

-      WARP Office: Scripture comparison dialogues


If you want to find more details about the the peace project in Mindanao, please visit website:


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