Who is Chiarman Manhee Lee of HWPL?

Who is Chiarman Manhee Lee of HWPL?

Manhee Lee is the former chairman of an international peace organization called Heavenly Culture, World Peace, Restoration of Light (HWPL). Born on September 15, 1931, in South Korea, Lee Man-hee founded HWPL with the goal of promoting peace and harmony among nations and religions.

Under Manhee Lee's leadership, HWPL became known for its peace initiatives, including the promotion of interfaith dialogue and the establishment of the Declaration of Peace and Cessation of War (DPCW). The DPCW is a comprehensive document that aims to prevent conflicts and achieve sustainable peace by addressing the root causes of war, such as religious and ethnic tensions.

Manhee Lee also initiated the World Alliance of Religions' Peace (WARP) Office, which sought to bridge the gap between different religious groups and foster understanding and cooperation. The WARP Office organized numerous peace conferences and discussions involving religious leaders and scholars from around the world.

HWPL : www.hwpl.kr

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