2019 World Peace Summit: 5th Anniversary of the WARP Summit

The 2019 HWPL World Peace Summit: 5th Annual Commemoration of the September 18th WARP Summit will be held over twe days, from 18 to 19 September 2019, in Seoul, Republic of Korea. The Summit has been held annually since 2014, providing a platform for leaders in politics, religion, youth and women’s groups, journalism, and civil society around the world to discuss the ideas and practices required to achieve peace, a common goal of the global community.

WHEN 18-19 September 2019

WHERE Seoul, Republic of Korea

Outcomes from the past year – in which various fields focused on solidifying   peace  networks – will be shared this year, along with a more detailed direction of the advancement  for actualizing world peace. For this purpose, there will be events held in various countries around the world with the goal of establishing a universal order and standard that is applicable internationally, and to establish internationally and legally binding document for peace. In order  to expand the agreement drafted by the international community as a core principle of world peace, the propagation of peace culture presented in the DPCW, and the public support of peace as a global peace movement, the following topics are to be included in this event: 1) Expanding  support at international level for introducing the DPCW to the UN General Assembly as a draft resolution; 2) Spreading a culture of interfaith understanding and dialogue based on religious scriptures; 3) Strengthening the ability of youth and women’s peace network; 4) Implementing  peace education for building the character of global citizens with peace values; 5) expanding a global peace media network: changing the public’s awareness of peace, etc.

“Legislate Peace” project is a comprehensive cooperation campaign around the globe in support of the DPCW’s introduction to the UN as a draft resolution, and for it to become an international, legally binding document. This project lists all of the support received from 2016 to now from over 180 different countries and includes institutional support from various  international organizations and governments, with individual support and activities from political leaders, religious leaders, and community activists. At this year’s event, the projects’ specific cases in individual expert fields will be shared with a discussion for future plans.


  1. Oh peace law is going to the UN with so much supports from countries and ppl globally!

  2. I want a world without war, with happiness and justice

  3. Peace Summit!! Finally another step towards peace!

  4. Let's all support this law to bring about World Peace 🌍🌎🌏

  5. Can really feel that peace more and more rules this world :-D

  6. 具体的な平和の答え、もう世界平和もすぐですね。

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Let's all support DPCW for peace!

  9. 平和を学ぶなんて羨ましいです

  10. ソウルだけではなく全世界で平和を支持していますね~


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