August 15th, The National Liberation Day of Korea

The National Liberation Day of Korea is a holiday celebrated annually on August 15th in both North and South Korea(It is notable for being the only Korean public holiday celebrated by both North and South Korea). It is a national holiday established to commemorate the liberation of the Korean Peninsula from the Japanese Empire and to commemorate the patriotic martyrs who sacrificed their lives for the country while fighting for independence from Japan.

We are calling this National Liberation Day "Gwangbokjeol". The day when the Korean Peninsula gained independence from Japan is called 'Gwangbok'. That means "restoration of the light". That is to regain sovereignty from the dark days of living as slaves and losing sovereignty to the Japanese.

There is an organization all over the world working to restore the light of peace. It is Heavenly Culture, World Peace, Restoration of Light(HWPL).
Until now, there has been constant war in the world. There is still an apple of war. The world was darkened by those wars and those have been brought countless sacrifices and deaths. War is like a harsh winter.
Man-hee Lee, chairman of HWPL said like this about that :

As spring full of warmth comes after a harsh winter, we are welcoming an era of peace after a time of conflicts and division. The refreshing and sweet scent of peace spread by HWPL and peace messengers is filling the air foretelling the coming of everlasting spring.

To begin restoration of the light is like to bring peace to the world which was dark by wars.
Heaven gives light, rain and air without racial or religious discrimination. There are no more high and low, no more borders. This is what the heavenly culture is. If people know, learn and practice the heavenly culture, we can achieve world peace. Today is the time for the liberation of the world with the heavenly culture.
That's the goal HWPL is looking for.

In the hope of achieving world peace through the heavenly culture, the peace messenger, Man-hee Lee, chairman of HWPL proclaimed the "Declaration of Peace and Cessation of War(DPCW)" and guided to be drafted the document by The HWPL International Law Peace Committee. And in addition, all peace messengers are working to get the DPCW as international law with the support of many countries.

The whole world has been going through the pain of war. Now, it is the time to answer peace to all those died in the war so that war will never come again. Let unite to pass on to posterity the world peace that has been achieved by heavenly culture.


  1. Happy news to see peace working

  2. Everyone wants peace, but peace is
    I think it's hard for human power.

  3. Peace can only come if all world leaders unite to support the DPCW. It must be enacted as international peace later this year.

  4. When will North and South Korea be united again..? Looking forward to it !!!!!

  5. Amazing peace work. All countries should support peace to end all wars and conflicts for a better future.

  6. One of the most amazing peace work

  7. もう誰も犠牲にならず平和だけの世界を望みます。

  8. 韓半島に誠の平和が統一として叶えるように。。

  9. 一日も早く平和が訪れたらいいですね


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